61-page pdf manual which “is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … the manual looks at ‘good teaching’ and the skills required to develop ‘good teaching’,
these skills are useful not just for a Peace Education Programme but also for all aspects of the professional life of the teachers whom you are training.”
Conflict Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth-Serving Orgs
A manual in pdf format providing an overview of various models for conflict resolution education program implementation. The first chapter defines conflict as a natural condition and examines the origins of conflict, responses to conflict, and the outcomes of those responses. It introduces four approaches to implementing conflict resolution education. Each of the next four chapters discusses one of these approaches and presents examples of programs that use the approach. One chapter describes an approach to conflict resolution education characterized by devoting a specific time to teaching the foundation abilities, principles, and one or more of the problemsolving processes in a separate course or distinct curriculum. Another chapter describes an approach in which selected, trained individuals provide neutral third-party facilitation in conflict resolution. A chapter presents an approach that incorporates conflict resolution education into the core subject areas of the curriculum and into classroom management strategies, and another chapter presents a comprehensive whole-school methodology that builds on the previous approach. The next two chapters address conflict resolution education in settings other than traditional schools. The final three chapters address more overarching topics: conflict resolution research and evaluation; a developmental sequence of behavioral expectations in conflict resolution; and the process of developing, implementing, and sustaining a conflict resolution program.
Teaching all students constructive conflict resolution through academic coursework
Pdf document proposing the teaching of conflict resolution through academic coursework, with bibliography. Written above title on document: NCIP (National Curriculum Integration Project).
Pre-Service School Administrator Curriculum
A 179-page pdf document containing a five module curriculum designed to enable administrators to examine conflict and better understand the process of conflict management. It serves as a companion curriculum to the Center for the Prevention of School Violence’s “Reach In, Reach Out, Reach Over Conflict Management Curriculum” and provides information on building a foundation of support for teachers and students in conflict management and extending that support throughout entire schools.
Pre-Service Teacher Curriculum
A 247-page pdf document containing a four module curriculum designed to provide pre-service teachers opportunities for analyzing the impact of self as an individual teacher in the classroom. This includes information on pursuing self- assessment, developing communication skills through active and reflective listening, rapport, and trust building, and defining the processes used in managing conflict. The curriculum is also designed to help pre-service teachers identify and strengthen skills used in effective communication to better manage conflicts, especially those in classrooms. Finally, the curriculum is intended to assist pre-service teachers with skills that will be developed through the use of conflict management strategies.
Second step
Powerpoint presentation introducing second step, a program for elementary school children which develops skills in the areas of empathy, impulse control and anger management.
Responsive classroom
Powerpoint presentation that introduces the seven principles of a responsive classroom.
R.O.P.E.S presentation outline
Word document outline for classroom management education, including writing a student bill of rights and classroom rules.
Relationship-driven classroom management
Word document examing classroom management in terms of the need to belong and the needs for power, fun and freedom adapted from John M. Vitto’s, “Relationship-Driven Classroom Management: Strategies that Promote Student Motivation.”
Managing classrooms for constructive conflict: Agenda
Word document with agenda and exercises for lecture in managing classrooms for constructive conflict.
Examples of classroom meetings, middle school and high school
Word document examining different types of classroom meetings.
Classroom management philosophy & strategies
Word document listing classroom management lessons with information on where they can be located.