Building community and combating hate: Lessons from the middle school classroom

65-page pdf document which, “includes a set of ten
lessons for middle school educators or youth service professionals to use within their existing curriculum.
The lessons reinforce concepts discussed throughout the Partners Against Hate publication Program Activity Guide: Helping Youth Resist Bias and Hate, 2nd edition. The lessons explore the following four themes that encourage individual and collective reflection, research, and action.” Includes bibliographical references.

Helping youth resist bias and hate: Program activity guide, second edition

104-page pdf guide which, “provides
parents, educators, and other adults working with middle school aged children with tools and strategies to engage in constructive discussions and activities about the causes and effects of prejudice and bias-motivated behavior and to intervene, when needed, with youth who engage in such behavior.” Includes bibliographical references.

Partners against hate program activity guide: Helping children resist bias and hate

120-page pdf guide which “provides parents, educators and other adults with tools and strategies to engage in constructive discussions and activities about the causes and effects of prejudice and bias-motivated behavior and to intervene, when needed, with children who engage in such behavior.” Includes twenty-eight activities and bibliographical references.

Conflict resolution and peer mediation, volume II: Elementary school guide

52-page pdf guide used to teach conflict resolution and peer mediation in elementary schools. Includes 10 lesson plans covering topics such as “dealing with feelings,” “building self-esteem,” “exploring the issue of stereotypes” and “introducing peer mediation to students.” Includes bibliography.

Review of WANEP’S peace education programme

Pdf document which reviews a three-year pilot program, “to promote a culture of nonviolence among young people as a preventive measure against violent conflicts,” created by the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP).

Podcast audio resources for conflict studies

Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), which introduces the concept of podcasting and its use in conflict resolution education, it also provides basic start up information and sites of interest.

Men stopping rape exercises

Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), which presents a “list of some of the exercises developed by the members of Men Stopping Rape in Madison, WI, for use in anti-rape workshops, I compiled this list for use in Syracuse at a Man-to-Man training program entitled ‘Practical Strategies for Ending Abuse: A Skill Training for Educators.'”