The INEE Peace Education training program was cooperatively developed, based on generic Peace Education materials developed by UNHCR. A pilot project was developed in the multi-ethnic refugee camps in Kenya. The materials were tested, revised and tested again in an iterative process. In 2001 these materials were introduced for refugee and national populations in six countries. This 94-page Teacher Training Manual was written as an adjunct to the school component of the Peace Education Program. The school program includes a Teacher Activity Book, a Story Book, Role-Play cards and a booklet of resource notes for teachers. These were supported by a public awareness component that included 10 posters and in some locations street theatre.
Teachers Without Borders Dr. Joseph Hungwa Memorial Peace Education Program
This 300+ page guide provides a full professional development curriculum in peace education. It was developed by Teachers Beyond Borders. The goal is to bring Peace Education to new audiences around the world.
The program is divided into three units, which progress on a continuum from theoretical to practical. Unit 1 provides the history of peace education, a selection of definitions, an overview of the key thinkers in the peace education field and the core concepts. Unit 2 focuses on the Scope of Peace Education, reviewing different approaches to peace education, or different lenses through which peace education can be viewed. Unit 3 moves from theory to practice, addressing the pedagogical approaches to peace education and practical ways to introduce peace education into your classroom and community.
Standards for Peace Education
11-page pdf provides a list of recommended standards for students, teachers and teacher educators with respect to peace education. They were developed under the leadership of Dr. Candice C. Carter from the University of North Florida during her global and domestic work with peace educators and peace education researchers. These dynamic standards have been used for students in all levels of education as well as for program design. Suggestions for, and outcomes of, their use in particular cultures and contexts are welcomed.
Summary of Core Skills For Conflict Work
Peaceworkers UK developed this detailed description of the Core Skills they consider essential for Conflict Work and the vocational standards associated with them.
Core Skill 1: Research Skills
Core Skill 2: Written Communication
Core Skill 3: Verbal Communication
Core Skill 4: Self-Management
Core Skill 5: Conflict Management
Core Skill 6: Observation Skills
Core Skill 7: Teamwork
Core Skill 8: Cultural Sensitivity
Core Skill 9: Gender Awareness
Seeing Both Sides of a Story
Seeing both sides of a story – Clip Duration: 01:37. Children at a U.K. school learn how to support their peers in the playground to find resolutions to conflict. This is a clip from a longer video on peer mediation. You have to go directly to the BBC Learning Zone site to view it.
Ways of Peace – URI Youth 4 Unity Brochure
This illustrated foldable brochure was created by the youth wing of the United Religions Initiative (URI) Peacemakers’ Circle CC in the Philippines – Youth 4 Unity – as a way to share expressions of the Golden Rule in different religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions. It also shares simple ways to practice inner peace, harmony with others and healing of the Earth.
Tug of war – Peace Through Understanding Conflict
This 10-chapter 104-page book, available as a pdf, is for youth ages 8-16 interested in a peaceful world – and in understanding the forces that cause conflict, both in personal relationships and across the globe. Tug of War describes:
1) What the roots of war are.
2) How we create “The Enemy”.
3) A new way to handle violence.
Illustrated by award-winning artist, Rod Cameron. Part of the Education for Peace Series by Atrium Society Publications
The Elementary Child: Teaching to the Spirit, Teaching for Peace
This combined 2-part article (published in 2 separate issues of Montessori Leadership), provides an overview of how Cathleen Haskins implemented a peace education curriculum in a Montessori classroom. It provides information on Montessori’s call for peace education, and specific details on the curriculum autonomously created (activities and exercises) and used with students aged 6-9 years, in both a public Montessori and private.
Educating for Peace and from the University: Memorial Anthology of a Decade
488-page pdf in Spanish. The UNESCO Chair in Education for Peace was created in November 1996 from a cooperation agreement between the University of Puerto Rico and the Organization of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This Anthology provides an overview of the essays and documents developed in the first decade of activity seeking to promote reflection and attention to the problems of violence and hope and to encourage and provide direction for non-violent action towards peaceful coexistence. The Anthology was released on a commemorative CD and as this downloadable pdf.
The Day After Peace – Classroom-Ready Version
A 32 minute classroom-ready version of the award-winning documentary The Day After Peace. Education Resources from Peace One Day are available that work alongside the film to explore topics such as confict resolution, intercultural cooperation, the United Nations, and anti-bullying. More on the film:
“The Day After Peace charts the remarkable 10-year journey of filmmaker Jeremy Gilley to establish an annual Peace Day on 21 September. The camera follows Jeremy as he galvanises the countries of the world to recognise an official day of ceasefire and non-violence. — But even after the member states of the UN unanimously adopt Peace Day, the struggle isn’t over. As the years pass, there’s not a single ceasefire. The voices of the cynics are growing louder – and now Gilley’s non-profit organisation, Peace One Day, is in dire financial straits. But he can’t let it fail. — The film’s breathtaking conclusion finds Gilley joined by Jude Law in Afghanistan attempting to spearhead a massive vaccination against polio on Peace Day. Will peace prevail? Will lives be saved? Or were the cynics right?” (Link to sample from education packet)
Peace Studies at Greenfield Community College (promotional video example)
This video is an example of marketing materials used to promote and support peace studies programming at the community college level. It features the program at Greenfield Community College. It compliments the chapter “How to Market your Peace, Justice and Conflict Management Studies Program” written by Abbie Jenks, part of the Manual for Community Colleges Developing Programs in Peace & Conflict Studies available via CREducation.
Encyclopedia of peace education
Online resource which, “provides a comprehensive overview of the scholarly developments in the field to date as well as new insights from across the globe from the various actors involved in advancing peace education internationally. Thus, this online resource serves as a living reference guide that traces the history and emergence of the field, highlights foundational concepts, contextualizes peace education practice across international and disciplinary borders, and suggests new directions for peace educators.”