This mediation training manual, developed by the Washington Heights Inwood Coalition Mediation Program, is the product of ten years experience teaching mediation skills to secondary students in New York. The school program worked mostly with Latino students, newcomers to the country. So the trainings have been in Spanish. The material and activities of this program are designed to prepare high school students as mediators. The basic mediation skills taught and practiced are the same as in adult training. It updates and adapts the lessons and activities to the level of development and interests of students.
Leading a Workshop on Conflict Management for Teaching Assistants
Article Abstract: The aim of this article is to share a conflict management workshop that the authors developed to train teaching assistants to proactively manage conflict, achieve productive results for conflict, and establish a climate of trust in which relationships beneficial to learning can flourish. The article begins by defining an approach to conflict management and explaining the rationale behind the workshop. A detailed plan of the workshop is then presented. Finally, results are reported of a “before the workshop” and “after the workshop” survey from two recent groups of workshop participants that shows improved perceived ability to deal effectively with conflict.
Conflict resolution skills ladder
1-page PDF document which outlines a progression of skills and the behaviors associated with them in conflict resolution.
How to run a student mediation conference
22-slide Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which provided “an overview of the conference planning and offer the nuts and bolts information on how to organize and run a successful conference in your community.”
SCORE Quick Reference Guide to Peer Mediation for Students
10-page guide for student peer mediators that reviews the mediation process and provides practice tips. Developed for use by the Student Conflict Resolution Experts (SCORE) program in Massachusetts as “a quick reference guide for students to accompany their training”.
SCORE peer mediation guide for students: Student conflict resolution experts
34-page pdf manual which “guides students through the principles and techniques for successful mediation. The content of the student manual reflects that of the coordinators’ manual.” With lessons in introduction to mediation, building trust, listening and troubleshooting.
SCORE coordinator’s manual, 2007-2008: Student conflict resolution experts
183-page pdf manual which “provides an overview of the program, and instructs coordinators on the steps to setting up the program from start to finish, and the methods and expectations for training their mediators. The manual also provides an extensive lesson plan for training, as well as sample exercises and role-play scenarios.”
Strengthening undergraduate mediator competency via the Ntl Intercollegiate Mediation Tournament
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 3, (May 2003), which discusses the role of the National Intercollegiate Mediation Tournament in the development of mediation skills in students.
Partnership paradigm, A: A case study in research assistant and faculty interaction
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 1, (Oct 2001), which “offer[s] a case study of our intentional effort to change the typical power relationship between most RAs [research assistants] and faculty members, we believe this approach, which we call the partnership paradigm, provides an opportunity for effective and mutually enriching experiences for both faculty and students serving as research assistants.”
Conflict resolution across the curriculum
Pdf article reprinted from the Aug/Sept 1997 Issue (Vol 79) of The Fourth R, The Newsletter of the National Association for Mediation in Education which creates an argument for the teaching of conflict resolution in colleges and universities in every academic discipline as a necessary skill for graduation much like basic writing skills classes. “Ultimately, conflict resolution across the curriculum suggests that good conflict resolution skills need broader integration into the culture in which we live, conflict resolution must not simply be the private domain of specialists, it must be a way in which everyone learns to solve problems, it must become a part of every discipline just as good writing is a part of every discipline.”
Program theory for restorative practices in schools
Handout which charts how restorative practices function in schools.
Second step
Powerpoint presentation introducing second step, a program for elementary school children which develops skills in the areas of empathy, impulse control and anger management.
Impact on climate, what we know
Powerpoint presentation on the impact of conflict resolution education on the classroom climate.
Stages of CRE implementation
Powerpoint presentation identifying and describing the steps involved in implementing conflict resolution educational programs in schools.
Proven benefits of conflict resolution education research
Powerpoint presentation which defines conflict resolution education, discusses goals and models of CRE and outlines the benefits of teaching it to students.