13th International CRE Conference set for April 2019

The 13th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education has been scheduled for April 5-6, 2019, to be held at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA. The theme is Preparing Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders: Career Paths in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution.

The call for proposals has been posted, with the deadline for submissions set for Monday, January 28, 2019.

Get: Call for Proposals (due Jan 28, 2019)

Submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail by close of business Monday, January 28, 2019.   All presenters will be notified as to whether they have been selected no later than February 3.   Late proposals will be reviewed and may be accepted if there is space in the program. Send questions and proposals to Jen Batton, Conference Coordinator at conflicteducationconsultants@gmail.com

Get all the details at https://u.osu.edu/cre2019/


12th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education

Yes, it is happening again! The 12th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education is coming to Cleveland in May of 2018. You can participate by responding by November 10 to the Call for Proposals found here: http://msass.case.edu/cre-2018/

Theme: Bridging the Divide in Polarized Societies

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA, May 22 – 25, 2018

Call for Proposals and Conference Details Available at:

(Deadline Friday, November 10, 2017) 

Hosted by the Mandel School of Applied Social Science, Case Western Reserve University in partnership with John Carroll University, Cleveland State University and Cuyahoga Community College

There will be lots of training and professional development opportunities again this year. For example:

Intensive Full Day Trainings (One and Two Days, 9AM – 5PM each day)

Sample trainings (see the web site for additional trainings and more information):

  • May 22 – 23, Dialogue Across Differences – Facilitator Training for Community Leaders, Essential Partners
  • May 22 – 23, Dialogues on Race: Inside Prison Walls and Outside in Communities, Madeline G. Trichel, Curriculum Coordinator, Horizon Prison Initiative
  • May 23, Conflict Resolution Strategies for Engaging Polarized Communities Productively, Dr. Julie Shedd, George Mason University and D.G. Mawn, National Association for Community Mediation
  • May 23, Building Opportunities through Civil Discourse, National Institute for Civil Discourse
  • And more!  Check the web site in October for details!

CR Education Site Update

This summer (2017)  CREducation has received an update bringing us onto a new platform. After more than 10 years on the prior one, we were due!

World with Mobile devices

We’ve tried to bring over all the good content you’ve come to expect, as well as incrementally adding some new features. One new feature of special interest to teachers is the ability to access our collection of classroom learning activity suggestions that appeared in our popular wall calendars.

We’re also working on an online calendar populated with the birthdays of prominent peacemakers and various county days and UN observances. Some additional data will be added over time.

We’ve also attempted to eliminate the need for the Flash plugin and made the site more mobile device friendly. We hope you like it.

In any case, thanks for your interest in Conflict Resolution in Education!


Bill Warters – CREducation Webmaster