Linking Theory to Practice: Conflict Analysis and Resolution Pedagogy in Undergraduate Classrooms

Presented by: Gina Cerasani, Ethan Finley, Kristin Moriarty, George Mason University
Presented at: 4th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education
Date of Session: June 11, 2011

Session Description: This multi-year, FIPSE-funded project, is building the capacity of the interdisciplinary field of Conflict Analysis and Resolution (CAR) to play a key role in improving undergraduates’ ability to apply theory to practice in CAR courses, in general education, and beyond the classroom. The project is focused on curricular innovation in experiential and service learning, specifically the development, testing, and dissemination of new approaches and materials. Workshop presenters will offer lessons learned from the ongoing project, and share best practices for using experiential and service learning activities in undergraduate conflict resolution education.

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