ACR/JAMS 2019 Grant Opportunity announced
The 2019 ACR/ JAMS Foundation notice for funding has been released. The vision for this year is to provide funding for efforts that aim to reduce bullying and youth violence. Initial letters of interest due by January 14th, 2019.
Mission: The population to be served by the funding streams will be (1) youth in preK- 12 age range and/or (2) adults working with these youth populations in ways that directly transfer CRE skills for adults to the youth populations.
Funding Contexts: The contexts for projects may be a variety of contexts including community, schools, alternative education (online education, charter schools, after school programs), government (juvenile justice facilities, courts) and NGO settings. While some proposals may be able to secure and guarantee access to or cooperation from traditional K-12 school districts/schools, we are excited by this opportunity to support possible funding of CRE work in other contexts.
The full NOFA is posted here.