A three-page worksheet providing a series of questions for schools to consider prior to implementing a peer mediation program.
Good Practice Guidelines for Peer Mediation Initiatives
A one-page summary of guidelines for best practice for peer mediation program initiatives. Based on a larger evaluation of Peer Mediation Programs in New South Wales Government Schools published in 2003
Developing and Assessing School Culture: A New Level of Accountability for Schools
This 8-page CEP position paper argues that education in our nation is at a defining moment, one with the potential to reshape our national conversation about school improvement. Successful schools–ones that foster both academic excellence and ethics–have positive school cultures (or “climates”). CEP defines a positive school culture broadly to include all aspects of school life, including a safe and caring environment, a powerful pedagogy and curriculum, student motivation and engagement, professional faculty culture and relational trust, parent partnerships, and community collaboration. The paper presents case studies and educational research showing the impact of school culture on students’ academic achievement and social behavior. Because a positive school culture is central to student success, the authors argue we must address how to help all schools develop effective cultures. Since what gets measured matters, schools must also be held accountable for having positive school cultures and must have tools for assessing their culture. If we are to prepare students to be lifelong learners and 21st century ethical citizens, we must develop a new “school report card” that includes not only test scores but also concrete indicators of the quality of school culture.
Mediating a Better Solution
A 5-page article on peer mediation written for principals. It appeared in the magazine Principal Leadership as part of a monthly column entitled “Counseling 101” that is written by members of the National Association of School Psychologists. Includes a case study exploring the need for improved referral system for a peer mediation program.
Improving outcomes for Indigenous students – the Workbook and guide for school educators (3rd ed.)
This 55-page pdf workbook is a practical set of support materials for taking action and working systematically in schools. Developed in Australia, it provides a set of tools and ideas to help achieve improved outcomes for Indigenous students, and can be used in conjunction with the materials on the What Works http://www.whatworks.edu.au/ website and other companion What Works publications. This is the third edition, published in 2010. It was substantially revised and updated and provides a complete support for taking systematic action.
National policies on education for democratic citizenship in the Americas: Analytic report
48-page PDF report with the goal of “address[ing] the gap in the literature on national policies in citizenship education in the Americas, providing an initial “mapping†of these policies, at the formal and non-formal levels. To that end, the analysis focuses on national policies and standards, the school curriculum within which citizenship education is embedded, places and age levels where citizenship education occurs, and the extent to which citizenship programs are evaluated. Twenty-five countries participated in this study. Selected demographic characteristics of the countries are reported in Appendix 1.”
Peer mediation, conflict resolution, violence prevention and safe schools, 1986-2001
25-page PDF bibliography of resources on the topics of peer mediation, conflict resolution, violence prevention, and safe schools.
Nonverbal communication for educators
Online learning module consisting of 14-sections “designed to introduce you to key ideas related to nonverbal communication, with a special emphasis on aspects of nonverbal communication that relate to teaching and learning in the classroom. By the completion of this learning module you should be able to: Understand the importance of nonverbal communication; State a definition of nonverbal communication and identify different types; Describe the purpose nonverbal communication serves in the communication process; Identify core nonverbal communication concepts that relate to classroom management; Understand Dyssemia (a condition related to the inability to read facial expressions) and its causes; Understand the use of DANVA as a tool for recognizing Dyssemia; Access simple activities and reference materials for creating your own teaching activities related to Nonverbal Communication.”
GIRC Annotated Bibliography of Conflict Resolution Resources
An annotated bibliography from the Global Issues Resource Center on conflict resolution resources covering the topics of bullying prevention, classroom management, and trauma & violence prevention. Includes books, curricula, videotapes, simulations and games.
CRETE Project Overview (April 2010)
An overview of the Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education (CRETE) initiative as of April 2010. The document reviews the need for CRETE and provides a list of current partners and a history of funding support for the initiative.
Civil Discourse in the Classrooom
This 23-page pdf curriculum “will introduce educators to basic tools for teaching civil discourse. It is not subject-specific; on the contrary, the tools of argumentation and discussion lend themselves to any subject in any classroom. Although it is primarily designed for young adolescents, the curriculum can be adapted for students of any age.”
Bullying prevention and intervention: TeamMates Mentoring Program Lincoln Public Schools
9-page PDF case study which, “looks at one program in Nebraska, Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) TeamMates, that has decided to address bullying at several schools through mentoring, using volunteers from the community to reach out to bullies and victims alike.”
Building effective peer mentoring programs in schools: An introductory guide
54-page PDF guide which, “provides a framework for designing a peer mentoring program, where older youth (typically high school students) mentor younger students (elementary or middle school) in a school setting. The guide incorporates the latest research on peer mentoring, and provides solutions to the common challenges faced in implementing a peer mentoring model.”
Creating schoolwide prevention and intervention strategies: Effective strategies…
55-page PDF document which is “intended to put the issue of schoolwide violence prevention in context for educators and outline an approach for choosing and creating effective prevention programs. The guide covers the following topics: 1. Why schoolwide prevention strategies are critical, 2. Characteristics of a safe school, 3. Four sources of vulnerability to school violence, 4. How to plan for strategies that meet school safety needs, 5. Five effective response strategies and 6. Useful Web and print resources.”
Preventing and countering school-based harassment: A resource guide for k-12 educators, rev. ed.
76-page PDF guide which “is the result of two conferences on racial harassment and numerous training-of-trainer administrator workshops conducted during the past eight years by the Equity Center (formerly the Center for National Origin, Race, and Sex Equity—CNORSE) where the intersection of the issues of racial and sexual harassment have been made clear by educators in the field. Although much national attention has been focused separately on the issues of racial harassment and sexual harassment, the reality is that when one form of harassment occurs, the opportunity exists for all types of harassment. Focusing only on one type of harassment can allow another type of harassment to go unchallenged. This guide addresses the more comprehensive issue of school-based harassment by capturing similarities in cause of, type of, and remedy for all forms of harassment while also addressing the unique and legal aspects of racial and sexual harassment, as appropriate. The hope is that the material will help school staff, families, students, and communities to create a safe and bias-free learning environment.”