Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 1, (Jan/Feb 2000), introducing the Conflict Resolution Information Project (CRInfo), a cooperative effort to strengthen the conflict field’s information infrastructure.
Mediation on campus: A history and planning guide
Pdf article reprinted from the June/July 1991 Issue (Vol 33) of The Fourth R, The Newsletter of the
National Association for Mediation in Education exploring the role of mediation at colleges and universities, with a list of questions that those thinking of starting mediation programs should ask themselves.
To be or not to be: Conflict resolution as a discipline
Pdf article reprinted from the
February/March 1995 Issue (Vol 55) of The Fourth R, The Newsletter of the National Association for Mediation in Education discussing conflict resolution as an academic discipline.
Managing interethnic relations manual
104-page manual whose purpose is to fill the informational and methodological gap in addressing interethnic relations, it also intends to combat the passive attitudes held by many regarding the improvement of interethnic relations in Georgia, the book is meant for all specialists working on the issue of interethnic relations or those intending to focus on it, includes bibliography.
Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management
Powerpoint presentation overview of the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resoluction and Conflict Management whose overall goal is to, “assist Ohioans in resolving disputes in the most efficient way possible while reducing the chance of violence, building positive relationships and helping disputants reach win-win situations.” The presentation highlights the OCDRCM’s work with other agencies and their focus on school based conflict management programs.
Recommended standards for school-based peer mediation programs
Twenty-eight page document presenting standards for school-based peer mediation programs that are designed to enhance quality and stimulate thought among youth and adult participants in peer mediation programs. Aids in the creation and implementation of programs, designing curricula and evaluation procedures, funding and promoting programs, providing professional development and setting guidelines for research.
Grace to heal
Volume 1, number 1, of newsletter published by Grace to Heal a conflict resolution organization in Zimbabwe.
Integration and development center (IDC) for information and research
Information about the IDC (Integration and development center) in Ukraine.
Informational methodological center for multicultural education and tolerance
Joint initiative of the Crimean ethnographic museum and Integration and development center for information and research to popularize the ideas of tolerance, intercultural education, mutual respect and collaboration of the diverse ethnical and confessional groups in the Crimean society.
Intercultural education as a method of early conflict prevention in multicultural societies
Presentation of report on the state of conflict resolution efforts in Ukraine.
El manejo y la resolución de conflictos. Una competencia para la vida en la educación básica.
Spanish langage presentation of the value of teaching conflict resolution education in schools.
Management and resolution of conflicts: An essential competence for life in basic education
Presentation of the value of teaching conflict resolution education in schools.
Peace and conflict resolution education at schools of Shirak Region (Armenia): Final report
Report presents the experience stored up in Armenia in the field of peace education, gained successes, educational course developed by the authors, opinions of the beneficiaries and policy makers in the area of education to integrate the training course into school curriculum, future strategy, etc. Report was developed for the First UNESCO/EURED In-Service Teacher Training Course “Human Rights and Peace Education in Europe” 2004-2006. Authors are members of Women for Development NGO. Includes bibliography.
Meeting summary: International policy meetings on conflict resolution education
Global Issues Resource Center, Office of Community Continuing Education at Cuyahoga Community College and The Organization of American States hosted the four-day Inter-American Summit on Conflict Resolution Education in Cleveland, Ohio. This event brought together government representatives from among the 50 states and 34 countries of the Americas, Europe, Australia, and Israel and their non-governmental organization partners who have legislation or policies in place to deliver conflict resolution education at the K-12 level and in colleges of teacher education. This first-ever summit offered a dynamic opportunity to develop a hemispheric infrastructure throughout the Americas to advance the work in the fields of conflict resolution education and peace education.
International summit preconference reader, March 16th and 17th, 2007
Global Issues Resource Center, Office of Community Continuing Education at Cuyahoga Community College, the Organizational of American States, and the United Nations Development Program hosted State and International Conflict Resolution Education Policy Team Meetings. The purpose of the policy team meetings was to allow conflict resolution education and peace education practitioners and supporters to share insights and information about policy, infrastructure and research needs to promote conflict resolution education and peace education. Document contains meeting agendas, list of participants and conference attendees responses to questions for inclusion in the reader.