Setting Intentions for the Year
Being reflective, mindful and purposeful about our intentions before we embark upon a shared endeavor is what this activity is about. Setting intentions can allow a group to reach beyond its expectations. Intentionally intending to do one’s best — is a powerful step to reaching that goal, especially for a group. Try this activity when you want to set a positive tone and special feeling among group members.
Begin by asking, “What does the word intention mean?” Then discuss the power of intentions to shape and guide our actions.
Invite students/participants to clarify and share their intentions for the year, the group, the day, or the activity (whichever is most appropriate). Have fun with this idea by creating your own special ritual. Until you do, here is one way to do this:
- Place a pitcher of water, empty bowl and small cup together in the center of the space where your group will gather.
- Have the group form a large circle in this area, with these articles at the center.
- Explain that the group is gathered to give voice to their individual intentions, hear their classmate/colleagues intentions about this anticipated shared endeavor, and experience the wholeness and power of the group’s combined intentions.
- Standing in the center of the circle, model the ritual by pouring water from the pitcher into the cup. Then speak your intention for this year/activity/meeting/project over the water and to the group. Then pour the water from the cup into the bowl.
- Invite participants to do the same.
- As each person follows, the bowl fills with the water that carries all the intentions; the water mingles and mixes.
- Keep the bowl in a prominent place as the group works, as a reminder of the group’s intentions.
- At the end of the session, ask the group whether they realized their intentions. Then, pour the water (from the bowl) over a plant or landscaping that will benefit from the special water.
Source: Marina Piscolish, PhD MAPping Change, LLC Hawaii
CRE Calendar Usage: 3rd Edition