CRE Videos
We’ve gathered more than a 100 videos related to conflict resolution in education. Recently added items are presented on this page. To dig deeper, use the search tool or use the pagination at the bottom of the page to move through the collection 6 videos at a time.
The Transformation of West Philadelphia High School: a story of hope
West Philadelphia High School was on the state’s “Persistently Dangerous Schools” list for six years. After one year of implementing Restorative Justice, the climate improved dramatically: suspensions dropped 50%, violent acts and serious incidents declined 52% in 2007-2008, and another 40% by the end of the Fall semester in 2008-2009. This video takes a look at what was done there.
Link to it here.
RJOY – Introducing Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth
RJOY’s mission is to fundamentally shift the way we respond to youthful wrongdoing from punitive approaches that inflict more harm to restorative approaches that repair it.
Link to it here.
It’s Time for California Schools to Stop Suspending More Students Than They Graduate
Listen to folks who have experienced the affects, and witnessed the results, of failed harsh discipline policies that aren’t adding up to a better tomorrow for students. You’ll hear students, teachers, and administrators who offer insider’s knowledge on how to fix this problem. Let’s keep schools safe, keep students in the classroom and pave the way for a healthy and more successful future for California’s young people.
Link to it here.
PAX Good Behaviour Game
A game some Winnipeg students are playing in class dramatically reduces disruptive behavior, according to their teachers.
Link to it here.
TEDx Talk: Restorative Practices to Resolve Conflict and Build Relationships
This inspiring talk about taking a “Time In” with people who have caused problems for you was presented by Katy Hutchison at TEDx West Vancouver. Katy became a Restorative Justice advocate following the murder of her first husband. After ten years of sharing her story internationally to over five hundred schools and community groups, she views the education system as the structure with the most potential to affect positive social change. Katy sits on the Boards of Restorative Practices International & Glenlyon Norfolk School and volunteers for Leave Out Violence (LOVE).
Link to it here.
Teaching Humanitarian Law with Raid Cross
Adolescents are surrounded by violence. Usually they see it in political or historical terms (through the media, teaching and literature) or in the context of amusements (video games, movies). The purpose of Raid Cross, a learning simulation, is to make these adolescents aware of the reality of armed conflict and humanitarian action, thus giving them tools for interpreting events, the news, and violence in general. Raid Cross is an activity that uses international humanitarian law as an instrument for encouraging more extensive thought about human behavior. It focuses on the protection of life and human dignity in wartime and, more generally, in all the experiences of daily life. For more information, visit the Red Cross collection of Resources for Educators.
Link to it here.