Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Manual for training of facilitators 3

49-page pdf manual which “is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … this manual has been written for you as a trainer of facilitators. The manual looks at the skills required to develop “effective facilitation”, these skills are useful not just for a peace education programme but also for all aspects of the professional life of the people whom you are training, this is the third level of the facilitator training, with three levels of training, this has meant that revision has been built into the course, this level of training is primarily clarification of and building on previous work, this may require you, as the trainer to use the training manuals from level 1 and 2.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Manual for training of facilitators 2

50-page pdf manual which “is one of the components of the “Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … this manual has been written for you as a trainer of facilitators, it looks at “effective facilitation” and the skills required to develop effective facilitation, these skills are useful not just for a Peace Education Programme but also for all aspects of the professional life of the facilitators whom you are training.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.:Skills for constructive living: Manual for training of facilitators I

59-page pdf manual which is one of the components of the “Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … the manual looks at the skills required to develop effective facilitation of adult learners, these skills are useful not just for a Peace Education programme but also for all aspects of the professional life of the people with whom you are working.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Background notes for teachers

40-page pdf which “is one of the components of the ‘Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme’. The programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government.” This manual is a “summary of the major points covered in the training sessions to be used as a reference.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Background notes for facilitators

37-page pdf summary of the major points covered in the training sessions to be used as a reference. This manual is “of the components of the “Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme”. The programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Facilitators and trainers training guide

13-page pdf manual which is “one of the components of the “Inter-agency Peace Education Programme.” “The programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activies on behalf of the government … This training guide in peace education is divided into four areas: content, method, environment (both physical and psychological) and output (or product). Often method and psychological are dealt with together as there is overlap.”

Inter-agency peace education programme: Skills for constructive living: Overview of the programme

46-page pdf document which provides an overview “of the components of the Peace Education Programme and the implementation structure of the programme. It is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and from agencies who may be implementing education activities on behalf of the government …
The programme is currently being implemented in eleven countries in Africa and has been integrated into complementary programmes in Sri Lanka, Kosovo, and Pakistan. In these latter situations, training and initial materials were provided but the implementation costs were borne by the agencies concerned.”
Related to this overview are 15 pdf documents that make up the Peace Education Programme kit with individual entries in this catalog.

Peace education and conflict resolution: Handbook for school-based projects

44-page pdf “handbook about project-work on peace education and conflict resolution in schools is based on the experiences of the International School Network: Peace Education and Conflict Resolution from 1994 – 1998. The aims of the Network were to create an international community of researchers, to learn skills of conflict analysis and conflict resolution, to learn research skills, to co-operate across cultures to resolve conflicts, to gain insight into different possibilities for conflict resolution in different settings and cultures and to make a contribution to the theory and practice of conflict resolution.” Includes resource list.

Peace lessons from around the world

144-page pdf educational resource for primary and secondary students providing 16 lessons based on the four strands of the “Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century [which] comprises fifty proposals for actions and policies, which taken together, could move the world toward the end of war and the beginning of a culture of peace.” The strands are: Roots of War/Culture of Peace; International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law; Prevention, Resolution and Transformation of Violent Conflict and Disarmament and Security. The lessons come from Albania, Cambodia, Philippines, Kenya, India, Nepal, US, Catalunya (Spain) and South Africa. There is also a forword by South Africa’s former Minister for Education, Kader Asmal, a lesson on how to create your own peace lesson by Prof. Betty Reardon, and pages of helpful resources. Hard copies can be ordered via

Cool school: Where peace rules

Link to “high quality and free video game that teaches kids conflict resolution strategies. Targeted at children from Kindergarten through 2nd grade, the game is set in a fantastic school where all of the objects (chalk, erasers, books, etc.) come to life, depicting conflicts facing children every day. The game uses engaging, colorful characters and a vivid school setting to help children learn how to resolve these conflicts in a peaceful fashion.” Game is hosted on the Curriki & Global Education and Learning Community website.

Creating harmony in the classroom: Building safe and inclusive classrooms for special populations

231-page pdf manual designed “to assist teachers with building an inclusive and safe classroom for all students, including special needs, deaf, and visually impaired youth. Teachers who build an inclusive and safe classroom environment are encouraging all youth to excel academically and socially.” Includes chapters on building self-awareness in students, enhancing student’s problem-solving skills, mediation in school settings, evaluting conflict resolution education programs and a chapter on resources.

Best practices of non-violent conflict resolution in and out-of-school some examples

78-page pdf document which “aims to inform teachers, trainers, educators, parents, youth and students who, one way or another, are confronted with violence in the school or in non-formal community education, and are looking for practical solutions. The intention of UNESCO in this project is not only to inform them what is best internationally in terms of education for peace and non-violence, but above all to supply concrete pedagogical tools to prevent and transform the violence with which they are confronted on a daily basis at work.”

SCORE Quick Reference Guide to Peer Mediation for Students

10-page guide for student peer mediators that reviews the mediation process and provides practice tips. Developed for use by the Student Conflict Resolution Experts (SCORE) program in Massachusetts as “a quick reference guide for students to accompany their training”.

SCORE coordinator’s manual, 2007-2008: Student conflict resolution experts

183-page pdf manual which “provides an overview of the program, and instructs coordinators on the steps to setting up the program from start to finish, and the methods and expectations for training their mediators. The manual also provides an extensive lesson plan for training, as well as sample exercises and role-play scenarios.”