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Take Action on Reconciliation Day

Advice columnist Ann Landers is responsible for popularizing the April 2 celebration of Reconciliation Day, as a day to try to try to patch up a broken or strained relationship. In South Africa, Reconciliation Day is celebrated on December 16. The Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance promotes the first Sunday in August as International Forgiveness Day, hoping to spread awareness about the healing power of forgiveness to create “a safer, more joyful and peaceful world.”

Activity Idea: Draft an apology letter to someone that you may have hurt.

Instructions: Have students write a private apology letter or card to anyone they have harmed, such as a friend, a parent, or a sibling. Allow them to reflect on their thoughts and difficulties in the exercise.

Reflection Questions:
Are apologies difficult, easy, or does it depend?
Are there qualities that make one apology better than another for the receiver?
Would you ever consider actually delivering the letter you wrote?

Alternative Idea: Write a tribute letter to a peacemaker in your world that may not be getting the appreciation they deserve.

CREducation.org Resource: You can find a wealth of resources on Restorative Practices on the Conflict Resolution Education Connection.
See: www.creducation.org/cre/goto/rp

CRE Calendar Usage: 1st Edition