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Below are the most recently added items to our extensive conflict resolution education full-text resources catalog. You can use the pagination at the bottom of the page to see more.

Emergence of campus mediation systems, The: History in the making

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 1, (Oct 2001), which “explore[s] historical changes in the campus context as it relates to mediation and conflict… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Regional Meetings benefit campus conflict resolution efforts

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 1, (Oct 2001), presenting highlights of meetings for conflict resolution professionals across the United States. View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Partnership paradigm, A: A case study in research assistant and faculty interaction

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Meredith Miller, John B. Stephens
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 1, (Oct 2001), which “offer[s] a case study of our intentional effort to change the typical power relationship… View Full Record
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Student protests, negotiation, and constructive confrontation

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Guy Burgess, Heidi Burgess
  • Resource Release Date: 01/01/2001
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 1, (Oct 2001), which “suggests a series of strategies that can be used by university administrators and students… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Using WebQuests to promote integrative thinking in conflict studies

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4 , (Nov/Dec 2000), introducing WebQuests which, “are online curriculum modules which engage students in learning about an… View Full Record
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Thinking about variations in campus mediator style

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4, (Nov/Dec 2000), which presents different “mediator’s style[s] [which] may now be described as bargaining vs therapeutic, problem-solving… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Collaboration and conflict resolution skills: A core academic competency?

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4, (Nov/Dec 2000), examines “an innovative program at California State University Monterey Bay [which] has incorporated conflict resolution… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

What's in a name?: Capturing the essence of campus mediation

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Neil H. Katz
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4, (Nov/Dec 2000), which discusses the work of the Campus Mediation Center (CMC) at Syracuse University. View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Harnessing the power of the World Wide Web for conflict studies courses

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 3, (August/September 2000), which “presents a range of ways that relevant information from the web can be located… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Negative interactions with faculty: Graduate student experiences

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Karen Jagatic, Loraleigh Keashly
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 3, (August/September 2000), studied the effects of mistreatment of graduate students by faculty on their health and psychological… View Full Record
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Role plays and congruence: Some suggested teaching principles

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Barry Goldman
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 3, (August/September 2000), discusses the use of role play when teaching conflict resolution. View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Profile of the CMHE REPORT's "Early Adopters"

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 2, (March/April 2000), presenting a survey of users and subscribers of the Conflict Management in Higher Education Report… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Current trends in graduate ADR programs: Preliminary findings

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Brian Polkinghorn, Ron Chenail
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 2, (March/April 2000), which “presents a few preliminary findings from a two-year study of all graduate ADR (Alternative… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

ASJA mediation component gaining strength

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Rick Olshak, Susan Trageser
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 2, (March/April 2000), presenting the Association for Student Judicial Affairs (ASJA) and events and programs at their Twelfth… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Insider's edge, The

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Matthew Erickson
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 2, (March/April 2000), presenting the use of a “designated insider, an individual skilled in conflict intervention who is… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here