International Day of Peace Educational Resource Packet

This 16-page pdf provides a framework for educating about the culture of peace and offers suggested activities and resources for use on the International Day of Peace. Includes ideas for Elementary, Middle and High School level classrooms.

Conflict resolution workshop

Website hosted by CanTeach (a site created to assist teachers in finding and using resources online) which introduces the concept of conflict resolution and shows educators how one can recognize and solve problems in the classroom, handouts and practice scenarios are provided.

Cyberbullying and relational aggression: Who is it and what can be done

74-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education which presents a workshop “designed to help school personnel understand the dynamics underlying indirect aggression, detect indirect aggression, discover who is doing it, and ways they can intervene and prevent this covert form of bullying, results from a study examining the relationship between media and relational aggression and ways to infuse the information into the new anti-bullying legislation in Ohio will be shared, a comprehensive program being used in two Northeast, Ohio schools for teachers, families, and students will also be shared.”

Working with angry and disruptive youth in the classroom

8-page Powerpoint presenation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education, which provided, “insights into youth anger and strategies to positively address these challenges in the classroom, participants will understand the reasons behind escalating behavior and will practice how to respond effectively to strong willed and/or out-of-control youth, participants will learn strategies to deescalate emotions, maintain dignity and respect, and help the student focus on learning.”

Inter-agency peace education programme: Skills for constructive living: Overview of the programme

46-page pdf document which provides an overview “of the components of the Peace Education Programme and the implementation structure of the programme. It is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and from agencies who may be implementing education activities on behalf of the government …
The programme is currently being implemented in eleven countries in Africa and has been integrated into complementary programmes in Sri Lanka, Kosovo, and Pakistan. In these latter situations, training and initial materials were provided but the implementation costs were borne by the agencies concerned.”
Related to this overview are 15 pdf documents that make up the Peace Education Programme kit with individual entries in this catalog.

Peace education and conflict resolution: Handbook for school-based projects

44-page pdf “handbook about project-work on peace education and conflict resolution in schools is based on the experiences of the International School Network: Peace Education and Conflict Resolution from 1994 – 1998. The aims of the Network were to create an international community of researchers, to learn skills of conflict analysis and conflict resolution, to learn research skills, to co-operate across cultures to resolve conflicts, to gain insight into different possibilities for conflict resolution in different settings and cultures and to make a contribution to the theory and practice of conflict resolution.” Includes resource list.

Cool school: Where peace rules

Link to “high quality and free video game that teaches kids conflict resolution strategies. Targeted at children from Kindergarten through 2nd grade, the game is set in a fantastic school where all of the objects (chalk, erasers, books, etc.) come to life, depicting conflicts facing children every day. The game uses engaging, colorful characters and a vivid school setting to help children learn how to resolve these conflicts in a peaceful fashion.” Game is hosted on the Curriki & Global Education and Learning Community website.

Creating harmony in the classroom: Building safe and inclusive classrooms for special populations

231-page pdf manual designed “to assist teachers with building an inclusive and safe classroom for all students, including special needs, deaf, and visually impaired youth. Teachers who build an inclusive and safe classroom environment are encouraging all youth to excel academically and socially.” Includes chapters on building self-awareness in students, enhancing student’s problem-solving skills, mediation in school settings, evaluting conflict resolution education programs and a chapter on resources.

Peer leadership: Helping youth become change agents in their schools and communities

63-page pdf guide which, “provides educators, law enforcement personnel, parents, and other family
and community members with information and resources for establishing peer leadership
programs in secondary schools and youth service organizations that give students the skills and
confidence to stand up for civility in their schools and communities and to become role models in confronting bias-motivated harassment.” Includes a list of a variety of peer leadership program models from around the country and bibliographical references.

Building community and combating hate: Lessons from the middle school classroom

65-page pdf document which, “includes a set of ten
lessons for middle school educators or youth service professionals to use within their existing curriculum.
The lessons reinforce concepts discussed throughout the Partners Against Hate publication Program Activity Guide: Helping Youth Resist Bias and Hate, 2nd edition. The lessons explore the following four themes that encourage individual and collective reflection, research, and action.” Includes bibliographical references.

Helping youth resist bias and hate: Program activity guide, second edition

104-page pdf guide which, “provides
parents, educators, and other adults working with middle school aged children with tools and strategies to engage in constructive discussions and activities about the causes and effects of prejudice and bias-motivated behavior and to intervene, when needed, with youth who engage in such behavior.” Includes bibliographical references.

Partners against hate program activity guide: Helping children resist bias and hate

120-page pdf guide which “provides parents, educators and other adults with tools and strategies to engage in constructive discussions and activities about the causes and effects of prejudice and bias-motivated behavior and to intervene, when needed, with children who engage in such behavior.” Includes twenty-eight activities and bibliographical references.

Conflict resolution and peer mediation, volume II: Elementary school guide

52-page pdf guide used to teach conflict resolution and peer mediation in elementary schools. Includes 10 lesson plans covering topics such as “dealing with feelings,” “building self-esteem,” “exploring the issue of stereotypes” and “introducing peer mediation to students.” Includes bibliography.