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CRE Videos

We’ve gathered more than a 100 videos related to conflict resolution in education. Recently added items are presented on this page. To dig deeper, use the search tool or use the pagination at the bottom of the page to move through the collection 6 videos at a time.

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AntiBias Education
Bullying Prevention
Dialogue Programs
Expressive Arts
Law-Related Education
Negotiation Skills
Peace Education
Peer Mediation
Social and Emotional Learning
Restorative Practices
Violence Prevention

Inspirational Quote from Bill Kreidler

In this clip, Quaker educator and author William J. Kreidler of Educators for Social Responsibility presents one of his favorite quotes for conflict resolvers. In February of 1996 he addressed the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program’s (RCCP) annual conference. In his talk he explored the ways that dreams and visions can promote and sustain our efforts to create a more peaceful world. In particular Bill focused on the work of artist William Hicks who painted numerous versions of The Peaceable Kingdom – where in the words of Isaiah, the lamb lies down with the lion. He notes the complexity of visions of social justice and that “the subject of the dream is the dreamer.”

Link to it here.

Models of Peer Mediation Reviewed

We still need to update this video for display on the new site. Thanks for your patience.

Tricia Jones from Temple University presents an overview of the various models of peer mediation being used. You can get a copy of the powerpoint slideshow she is referring to from our Catalog.

Link to it here.

Positions and Interests – Brief Overview

We still need to update this video for display on the new site. Thanks for your patience.

ADR Trainer Terry Wheeler explains the difference between positions and interests using the story of two children who want the same orange.

Link to it here.

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