MTV auditions for teens – Dec. 14, 2011
Now casting teens in high school who had a falling out with another high school teen or classmate.
MTV is casting for a new teen docu-series that helps high school students solve problems with their friends and schoolmates. The new MTV show will use a trained mediator to talk to the teens and try to get them to resolve their issues with each other.
MTV is now casting teens that are 16 to 19 years old for this show.
If you are in an ongoing dispute with a friend, ex-friend, or classmate, MTV would like to hear your story and maybe you and your story will be featured on the new MTV show.
Here are examples of the types of stories that MTV and the shows producers are looking for:
* Do you have a friend that always borrows money and never pays you back?
* Did someone start a rumor about you that has had lasting effects?
* Did a fellow student bring uninvited guests to your party then they trashed your home or disrespected you?
* Did an ex vandalize your property, like keying your car?
* Have you been defamed on-line by someone in your school and your reputation will never be the same?
Are you looking for a resolution between you and your friend? MTV may be able to help!
To be considered for the show, you MUST be in high school, have a great personality and have a genuine, real-life issue at-hand that could benefit from mediation and that other people could learn from. You should also appear to be between the ages of 16 and 19 years old.
To apply for the show you will need to email the following information as well as a photograph of both you and the person you are having a problem with.
*Your Name, Phone Number and Email Address
*Your School/Location/City/State
*Every story has two sides, right? What’s your story? What is the issue at hand? What happened?
*Please give DETAILS:
-where and when the incident took place (if it’s one particular event);
-who the other person involved is and what your relation is to that person;
-why this issue is a big deal to you;
-whether or not it’s a big deal to the other person and if you think they would be willing to participate in the mediation process;
-what you would hope to get out of the mediation experience, etc..
*Are there other people in your lives who have an opinion on the matter? Who? How are they involved? Would they be willing to share their perspective and participate in this project? Again, please give details.
*Why is it important for your story to be told? Why would you want to participate in this show?
Email all the above to Also, don’t forget to email the 2 photos(one of you and one of your foe). To improve your chances of getting selected by MTV producers, be as descriptive as possible about your situation, what happened and any other details that you think may be helpful.