Glossary of CRE-Related Terms
Our browseable glossary of terms related to conflict resolution in education provides quick access to terms you may hear used in the field.
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- Imperviousness
- Definition: a form of disconfirmation in which you deny the other person's self-experience, deny the feelings of the other person, deny the other person's perceptions, or speak for the other person
- Impulse control
- Definition: the ability to control your impulses to respond emotionally
- Impulsive strategies
- Definition: one of Selman's interpersonal negotiation skill levels in which children either fight for what they want or they run away (fight or flight)
- Indifference
- Definition: the most extreme form of disconfirmation, ignoring the person and the bid he or she has tried to make
- Related term(s): ignoring
- Indirect language
- Definition: language that does not verbalize the intended meaning, hints
- Related term(s): Hinting communication
- Indirect/direct styles
- Definition: direct communication verbalizes the intended meaning, indirect communication is implicit and hints at the intended meaning
- Individualistic cultures
- Definition: cultures that have a focus on the individual rather than the group or collective
- Information power
- Definition: Influence we have because of specific information we possess, for example, I know when the stock will go up
- Initial Offer
- Definition: In bargaining, the first offer you put on the table
- Related term(s): Opening bid
- Integrative approaches
- Definition: approaches to conflict management that try to identify and integrate the needs of both parties so that a mutually satisfactory solution can be found
- Related term(s): Cooperation, win-win approaches
- Intentional
- Definition: communication that occurs only when the sender means to convey or share information with the receiver
- Inter-group contact
- Definition: programs and experiences aimed at helping young people avoid prejudices associated with older adults and helping younger people keep a more open-minded acceptance of senior citizens
- Interests
- Definition: In principled negotiation and/or mediation, these are the concerns or reasons why someone wants something in the conflict
- Internal attributions
- Definition: the tendency to assume that the cause of a behavior lies in the personality or disposition of the actor rather than the situation
- Interpersonal needs
- Definition: basic needs we have that motivate us in interpersonal relationships, inclusion/involvement, control/independence, and affiliation/intimacy
- Related term(s): Basic needs