Flirting or hurting?: Teacher guide, grade 6-9

9-page PDF teacher’s guide which accompanies 3 filmed programs on sexual harrassment, “two of the modules target students, and one targets teachers. Throughout the student programs, the host, an older sister character, provides definitions, explanations and insights based on her own experiences … the two 15-minute classroom programs include breaks for discussions or activities. These programs are appropriate for coeducational Health, Guidance, Family & Consumer Science, English, Social Studies, Physical Education, and New Student Orientation classes, or Vocational shops in grades 6 through 9.”

Youth peace resources: Reminder sheets

2-page PDF document of bookmark style reminders (from the Youth Peace Resources webpage of the Peace & Justice Support Network of the Mennonite Church), each reminder discusses an approach/style in conflict resolution such as problem solving and compromising, advice on when this style makes sense, and a relevant quote from the Bible.

Incorporating restorative approaches

82-page PDF topic guide which presents a, “session plan, guidance and resources for training day focusing on incorporating restorative approaches. Aims to develop an understanding of restorative approaches and their role in behaviour and attendance improvement. The aim is also [to] develop an understanding of the leadership issues in incorporating restorative approaches and explore how restorative approaches might be developed in [one’s] own setting.” Also available is a related set of 12 slides in ppt format for use in training event.

Lessons and activities for Florida’s fourth annual mediation celebration

41-page pdf manual which can be used “as a general guide to activities that can be easily incorporated in your classroom to make everyone aware of measures that help ensure peaceful schools … mediation skills and other methods of conflict resolution are life-long skills that help promote positive interactions among all people … the intention of this booklet is to help peak your interest and awareness in the area of mediation, and let you see how easily and subtly these concepts can be integrated into the existing curriculum.” Includes bibliography.

Clique bullying scenario

Web-based interactive scenario which presents children reacting to a clique bullying situation and “taking a stand against the crowd.”

Positive approaches to discipline scenario

Web-based interactive scenario which “demonstrates the differences between positive discipline and punishment. Discipline techniques focus on what we want the child to learn and what the child is capable of learning. Punishment, on the other hand, focuses on misbehavior and may do little or nothing to help a child behave better in the future. The differences between positive discipline and punishment are great, as well as the lessons learned that result from the technique used.”

Issues under the hat

Web-based interactive resource which presents a scenario that “will weigh a school policy in this case disallowing students to wear hats in the classroom against good reasons why in some situations a hat could be allowable. At one point during the scenario, [the participant] will be asked to choose of three available options that might lead to a win-win solution or to further problems for both the student and the teacher.”

Statement of restorative justice principles: As applied in a school setting: 2nd edition

24-page PDF document of “Principles [which] form the basis for restorative practices in all settings, using all models, where the primary aims are to repair harm and promote dialogue … Restorative practices are underpinned by a set of values, these include: Empowerment, honesty, respect, engagement, voluntarism, healing, restoration, personal accountability, inclusiveness, collaboration, and problem-solving.”

Harmony Island STAR and APE Activity Handouts

This 6-page pdf provides colorful poster and handout examples excerpted from the Teacher’s Guide for Harmony Island by Academic Edge, Inc. Harmony Island is a multimedia-enhanced conflict resolution curriculum designed to help learners broaden their understanding of conflicts and develop their conflict resolution skills. Students are introduced to core strategies that have proven to be effective in conflict resolution. STAR (Stop, Think, Act, Refect) is a series of steps learners can take to think about and avoid or resolve conflicts. APE (Active Listening, Problem Solving, and Emotional Awareness) is an acronym that summarizes some of the key skills involved in avoiding and resolving conflicts. The full teachers guide and information on purchasing the game materials is available via

Tackling tough topics: An educator’s guide for working with military kids

12-page pdf booklet “created by the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to assist educators in better understanding and being responsive to the unique issues facing military kids whose parents or loved ones have been or are currently deployed. It provides practical, hands-on information to help those in school settings deal with the “tough to talk about” topics students experience in the schools setting including: Talking to Kids About Violence, Terrorism, and War; Supporting Military Kids During Deployment, Homecoming, and
Reunion; Helping Kids Cope with Stress; Understanding the Impact of Grief and Loss; Coping with Death and Fostering Resilience.”

Road to peace, The: A teaching guide on local and global transitional justice

10-chapter teaching guide “that introduces students who have a general knowledge of human rights to the concept of transitional justice. Using the expertise of The Advocates’ human rights monitoring teams, who carried out work in Peru and Sierra Leone, The Advocates for Human Rights has created this teaching guide to be used with ninth grade through adult learners … The Road to Peace, as its title suggests, does not just teach about justice, but seeks to advance justice. The lessons are planned to encourage creative thinking about conflict resolution and restoration of justice, so that students feel empowered to promote justice in their own communities as well as around the world. The Road to Peace teaches about justice on a local and an international scale, asking students to make connections between instances of justice and injustice in their own lives, and in situations where justice has been or is being threatened in other countries … this comprehensive teaching guide introduces students to the concept of transitional justice through:
* Lessons on the root causes of war and conflict
* An overview of human rights and different transitional justice mechanisms
* Mock war crimes tribunal and mock truth commission role plays
* In-depth country case studies
* Individual case studies on human rights abuses
* Investigative tools to study the need for transitional justice in the U.S.
* Skill-building resources on how to apply reconciliation on a local level
* Conflict resolution and peer mediation exercises
* A transitional justice glossary
* Resources for further study and action on peace and justice.” Includes detailed glossary, organizations list and bibliography.

Class Meetings as a Tool for Classroom Management and Character Development: An Annotated Bib

Classroom management literature emphasizes non-punitive methods of managing a classroom of students, suggesting that democratic class meetings are an important or central element to developing student character. Class meetings are presented as a method of teaching children problem solving skills, conflict resolution, and a means for encouraging character education through intrinsic motivation and self regulation in academics and behavior. This annotated bibliography presents a list of resources for teachers seeking ways to increase character education through classroom management techniques. (Contains 1 note and 19 references.)

Inter-agency peace education programme: Skills for constructive living: Overview of the programme

46-page pdf document which provides an overview “of the components of the Peace Education Programme and the implementation structure of the programme. It is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and from agencies who may be implementing education activities on behalf of the government …
The programme is currently being implemented in eleven countries in Africa and has been integrated into complementary programmes in Sri Lanka, Kosovo, and Pakistan. In these latter situations, training and initial materials were provided but the implementation costs were borne by the agencies concerned.”
Related to this overview are 15 pdf documents that make up the Peace Education Programme kit with individual entries in this catalog.