Peace Education Resources
A great deal of exciting educational reform and just generally good teaching falls under the heading of Peace Education. According to one international authority on this, “Peace education is a participatory holistic process that includes teaching for and about democracy and human rights, nonviolence, social and economic justice, gender equality, environmental sustainability, disarmament, traditional peace practices, international law, and human security” (Hague Appeal for Peace, 2005)
Conflict Resolution Education is typically understood to focus on the local/domestic level while the focus of Peace Education is generally more global in perspective. Peace Education also “has a stronger emphasis on social justice orientations and larger systemic issues of violence than conflict education programs” (Jones, 2004).
A portion of the growing collection of free Peace Education print resources found in our catalog is displayed at the bottom of this page. You can also choose to directly browse the full list of items categorized under peace education in our catalog. Other especially relevant materials include
- our collection of conference presentations
- our International Directory of Organizations (try searching on the term “peace” to refine the results)
- and the Manual for Community Colleges Developing Programs in Peace and Conflict Studies
all of which are hosted by our site. Lots of good content!
If you are interested in a broader bibliography of Peace Education readings, check out this Peace Education resource collection from Ian Harris and Mary Lee Morrison.
Videos of Possible Interest
- Peace Learning
- Conflict Prevention the GPPAC Way
- Peace Ed Skill-Building at Home Video Series
- Peace Studies at Greenfield Community College (promotional video example)
- Seeing Both Sides of a Story
- Children in Armed Conflict
- Teaching Humanitarian Law with Raid Cross
- Peace One Day Global Truce 2012
- The S.T.A.R. Conflict Resolution strategy – Webinar Archive
- Elementary Students Using Their Playground Peace Bridge
- The Day After Peace – Classroom-Ready Version
- Power of Peace Network Introduction
Sample Catalog Resources
Below you'll find a randomized listing of up to 20 related items (we may have more...) drawn from our Resource Catalog.
Resource Title | Description | Links |
Ways of Peace - URI Youth 4 Unity Brochure | This illustrated foldable brochure was created by the youth wing of the United Religions Initiative (URI) Peacemakers' Circle CC in the Philippines - Youth 4 Unity - as a way to share expressions of the Golden Rule in different religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions. It also shares simple ways to practice inner peace, harmony with others and healing of the Earth. | |
Peace bridges: Newsletter of Peace Education Centers, issue #10, 2007 | Pdf newsletter of a conflict resolution education program in Armenia, with most stories written by school children. | |
Community-Based Institutes on Peace Education (CIPE) organizer's manual: A peace education planning | 78-page pdf manual "designed to assist formal, non-formal and grass-roots educators and educational planners by providing ideas and tools for the development of community-based peace education learning projects that might contribute to the reduction of violence at all levels of the global social order. More specifically, it has been developed to aid in the planning of "Community-Based Institutes on Peace Education (CIPE)," a special community-centered initiative of the International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) ... As you explore the contents you will see that this manual is arranged like a workbook. It is organized around inquiries into practical considerations for designing peace education initiatives in multiple and varying contexts. These inquiries are designed to engage you - the educator/planner - in reflections upon your own unique situation and possibilities for affecting change through education." | |
Peace Pedagogy Learning Modules from | A series of learning modules developed by Daryn Cambridge for a Peace Pedagogy course he taught at American University in the Fall of 2012. The course was designed around seven pillars of peace education: community building, enabling multiple intelligences, nurturing emotional intelligence, exploring approaches to peace, re-framing history, transforming conflict nonviolently, and life-skills building. The learning modules were posted at the public website as part of the course. Here's a listing of the available modules: Learning Module 1 – Welcome to Peace Pedagogy Learning Module 2 – Peace Education Voices Learning Module 3 – Community Building Learning Module 4 – Social and Emotional Intelligence Learning Module 5 – Conflict Resolution Learning Module 6 – Yoga and Meditation Learning Module 7 – Nonviolence Learning Module 8 – Environmental Sustainability | |
Review of WANEP'S peace education programme | Pdf document which reviews a three-year pilot program, "to promote a culture of nonviolence among young people as a preventive measure against violent conflicts," created by the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP). | |
UNESCO'S Work on Education for Peace and Non-Violence: Building Peace Through Education | A 20-page brochure providing an overview of UNESCO's work in advocacy, policy, information exchange and the development of text books, learning materials and curricula. It was developed by the Section for the Promotion of Rights and Values in Education, Division for the Promotion of Basic Education. Included are links to many useful publications produced by UNESCO and its partners. | |
International summit preconference reader, March 16th and 17th, 2007 | Global Issues Resource Center, Office of Community Continuing Education at Cuyahoga Community College, the Organizational of American States, and the United Nations Development Program hosted State and International Conflict Resolution Education Policy Team Meetings. The purpose of the policy team meetings was to allow conflict resolution education and peace education practitioners and supporters to share insights and information about policy, infrastructure and research needs to promote conflict resolution education and peace education. Document contains meeting agendas, list of participants and conference attendees responses to questions for inclusion in the reader. | |
Programa Fortalecimiento de la convivencia democratica, derechos humanos y resolucion pacifica de | Powerpoint presentation that outlines peace and conflict resolution education initiatives developed in Columbia. | |
Elicitive Curricular Development: A Manual for Scholar-Practitioners Developing Courses in International Peace and Conflict Studies | This book is co-authored by Peace Studies Innsbruck core faculty Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, Adham Hamed and Noah B. Taylor and it outlines central principles of the University of Innsbruck's approach to curricular development for Peace and Conflict Studies around the world. It has been authored in the framework of the project Education for Peace in the Iraqi Higher Education System, implemented by the University of Innsbruck in partnership with the Iraqi Al-Amal Association the United Nations Development Program in Iraq and nine Iraqi Universities. The ECDM is a systematic collection of experiences and lessons identified in academic contexts around the world in Austria, Cambodia, Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia and Iraq. The ECDM reflects core elicitive principles such as the importance of a focus on relationships, looking beyond the episode of conflict, collaboration, communication and local knowledge. These principles are consistent with the mission of the Research Center for Peace and Conflict (InnPeace) to teach, learn and research as reflective processes of relevant social questions of peace and conflict transformation. This manual offers helpful guidelines for academic and administrative staff, as well as international cooperation partners trusted with developing peace and conflict courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels. | |
Summary of Core Skills For Conflict Work | Peaceworkers UK developed this detailed description of the Core Skills they consider essential for Conflict Work and the vocational standards associated with them. Core Skill 1: Research Skills Core Skill 2: Written Communication Core Skill 3: Verbal Communication Core Skill 4: Self-Management Core Skill 5: Conflict Management Core Skill 6: Observation Skills Core Skill 7: Teamwork Core Skill 8: Cultural Sensitivity Core Skill 9: Gender Awareness | |
Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Background notes for facilitators | 37-page pdf summary of the major points covered in the training sessions to be used as a reference. This manual is "of the components of the "Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme". The programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government." | |
Short course offerings on peace education: 2007-2008 academic year in Costa Rica | Two page pdf document with course offerings and descriptions for the 2007-2008 school year at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. | |
Teach Peace Secondary Pack | The U.K.-based Peace Education Network is pleased to release this second edition of their Secondary Level curriculum. The Teach Peace Secondary pack is aimed at 11–18-year- olds and follows on from the success of the Teach Peace Pack for primary school pupils aged 5–11. It considers themes around children and human rights education, decolonising the curriculum, local, national and international examples of peace in action. It brings together practice from throughout the UK and asks young people to consider the very big questions of peaceful practice. Copies of the lesson materials are also available online at: or | |
Does CRE make a difference | Powerpoint presentation about conflict resolution and peace education. | |
Training Module for Education for a Culture of Peace | This module, released in January 1999, is based on experiences working in Sierra-Leone. It was written to provide some relevant information on practical ideas to enhance women's traditional conflict resolution and mediating practices since they are also stakeholders in conflict situations but are often left out in conflict resolution initiatives. The material is divided into 8 units. Unit 1 - Understanding Gender and distinguishing between Gender and Sex Roles Unit 2 - Trauma Healing and Counselling Unit 3 - Conflict Resolution Unit 4 - Gender Awareness in Conflict Resolution/Reconciliation, Concept of Repentance and Forgiveness Unit 5 - Mediation and the role of Women in Peace Building within the Family, the Community, the School and the total Social Environment Unit 6 - Raising Awareness of Gender Issues and Peace Building through the use of Drama Unit 7 - Understanding Basic Rights and Freedom and their Limitations Unit 8 - Practices for sustaining Peace after the Resolution of Conflict/Institutionalizing transformation | |
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators - Middle School Edition | The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is designed to support the work of educators as peacebuilders. It is a resource developed by and for educators, to help introduce peacebuilding themes and skills into the classroom. The Toolkit can help develop students’ understanding of, and interest in, global peacebuilding, and develop their skills and capacities to act as peacebuilders. It can help teachers develop their own understanding of key concepts and skills, and enhance their capacity to teach about global peacebuilding themes and issues. There are two volumes of the toolkit––one for middle school and one for high school. The Middle School Edition of the toolkit is designed for a general audience of students in grades 6–8. The content can be modified for older students and some of the content can be modified for younger students. Engaging young audiences in conversations about peace and conflict is important. It is the authors' hope that young students will engage in these topics and continue to reflect on them as they progress through high school and move into the world. The lessons have been developed with great detail to be useful for educators who are new to the methods employed that engage students in experiential learning and critical thinking. The lessons are intended for traditional and alternative education settings. The toolkit is organized around basic themes within the field of international conflict management. Theme 1: Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition. Theme 2: Violent conflict can be prevented. Theme 3: There are many ways to be a peacebuilder. The 15 lessons in the toolkit are interactive and encourage students to work collaboratively to understand concepts and solve problems. The lessons are designed to be detailed enough for a new teacher or a teacher unfamiliar with interactive or experiential methods to pick them up and use them as intended. The middle school lessons include teacher direction, guided practice, and independent practice. | |
Peace education: A pathway to a culture of peace | 178-page pdf document which "helps the educator, whether in formal or non formal settings, to understand that peace is a holistic concept and state of being and that it can not be learned in the traditional lecture-note taking-testing framework. Indeed, peace education can be integrated into many disciplines. The culture of peace must replace the culture of violence if we and our home, planet Earth, are to survive ... teaching the value of tolerance, understanding and respect for diversity among the school children could be introduced through exposing them to various countries of the world, their geography, history, and culture. At the appropriate levels, curricula must include human rights, the rules governing international law, the United Nations Charter, the goals of our global organization, disarmament, sustainable development and other peace issues. The participation of young people in this process is very essential. Their inputs in terms of their own ideas on how to cooperate with each other in order to eliminate violence in our societies must be fully taken into account. In addition to expanding the capacity of the students to understand the issues, peace education aims particularly at empowering the students, suited to their individual levels, to become agents of peace and nonviolence in their own lives as well as in their interaction with others in every sphere of their existence ... We have organized the book into three sections. Part I presents chapters that are meant to help us develop a holistic understanding of peace and peace education. Part II discusses the key themes in peace education. Each chapter starts with a conceptual essay on a theme and is followed by some practical teaching-learning ideas that can either be used in a class or adapted to a community setting. Part III focuses on the peaceable learning climate and the educator, the agent who facilitates the planting and nurturing of the seeds of peace in the learning environment. Finally, the whole school approach is introduced to suggest the need for institutional transformation and the need to move beyond the school towards engagement with other stakeholders in the larger society." | |
Learn Peace : How students can rid the world of nuclear weapons | Produced by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, this colorfully illustrated 43-page pdf provides a collection of 18 disarmament education activities for use by young people. It is written in a voice that speaks directly to youth, encouraging them to learn more and take action to call for the elimination of nuclear weapons. The activity titles are as follows: Have a classroom debate; Organize a writing competition; Write a letter to the editor; Make up your mind; Design a peace symbol; Role-play a nuclear crisis; Transform a nuclear bomb ; Honour the victims; Run a United Nations debate; Fold paper cranes for peace; Celebrate the victories; Write to your leaders; Promote abolition online; Hold a trivia night; Describe a nuclear blast; Conduct an opinion poll; Meet with your mayor; Plant sunflowers for peace. | |
Education for Peace: a resource guide for educators and the community | This 16-page booklet, written by Arthur Romano with assistance from Laura Simms, offers and introduction to the field of peace education. Presented in conjunction with the Newark Peace Education Summit held in May of 2011. | |
Peace & Disarmament Education: Changing Mindsets to Reduce Violence & Sustain Removal of Small Arms | This book summarizes the learnings from a partnership between the Hague Appeal for Peace and the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs exploring disarmament as an essential issue for peace education. It seeks to provide educators with ways to bring attention to weapons both as tools and symbols of the culture of violence that perpetuates war and armed conflict. The project invites critical reflection on the acceptance of the inevitability of war, the logic of force in politics and the conflation of conflict with violence. The participating peace educators in Albania, Cambodia, Niger and Peru have challenged these assumptions in community - and schools-based learning experiences that have taught both substantive and symbolic lessons in disarmament. |