12th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education

Yes, it is happening again! The 12th International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education is coming to Cleveland in May of 2018. You can participate by responding by November 10 to the Call for Proposals found here: http://msass.case.edu/cre-2018/

Theme: Bridging the Divide in Polarized Societies

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA, May 22 – 25, 2018

Call for Proposals and Conference Details Available at:

(Deadline Friday, November 10, 2017) 

Hosted by the Mandel School of Applied Social Science, Case Western Reserve University in partnership with John Carroll University, Cleveland State University and Cuyahoga Community College

There will be lots of training and professional development opportunities again this year. For example:

Intensive Full Day Trainings (One and Two Days, 9AM – 5PM each day)

Sample trainings (see the web site for additional trainings and more information):

  • May 22 – 23, Dialogue Across Differences – Facilitator Training for Community Leaders, Essential Partners
  • May 22 – 23, Dialogues on Race: Inside Prison Walls and Outside in Communities, Madeline G. Trichel, Curriculum Coordinator, Horizon Prison Initiative
  • May 23, Conflict Resolution Strategies for Engaging Polarized Communities Productively, Dr. Julie Shedd, George Mason University and D.G. Mawn, National Association for Community Mediation
  • May 23, Building Opportunities through Civil Discourse, National Institute for Civil Discourse
  • And more!  Check the web site in October for details!

CR Education Site Update

This summer (2017)  CREducation has received an update bringing us onto a new platform. After more than 10 years on the prior one, we were due!

World with Mobile devices

We’ve tried to bring over all the good content you’ve come to expect, as well as incrementally adding some new features. One new feature of special interest to teachers is the ability to access our collection of classroom learning activity suggestions that appeared in our popular wall calendars.

We’re also working on an online calendar populated with the birthdays of prominent peacemakers and various county days and UN observances. Some additional data will be added over time.

We’ve also attempted to eliminate the need for the Flash plugin and made the site more mobile device friendly. We hope you like it.

In any case, thanks for your interest in Conflict Resolution in Education!


Bill Warters – CREducation Webmaster


Notice of Funding Availability – ACR/JAMS 2016 funding cycle supporting CRE

Notification of Funding Availability (NOFA)

Request for Initial Proposal Ideas ACR JAMS Foundation Partnership Regular Year One – 2016

The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is pleased to announce this Notification of Funding Availability (NOFA) and request for initial proposal ideas for the 2016 funding cycle of the ACR/JAMS partnership in supporting Conflict Resolution Education. The mission of the ACR/JAMS partnership is summarized below.

Mission: The population to be served by the funding streams will be (1) youth in preK-12 age range and/or (2) adults working with these youth populations in ways that directly transfer CRE skills for adults to the youth populations. Funding Contexts: The contexts for projects may be a variety of contexts including community, schools, alternative education (online education, charter schools, after school programs), government (juvenile justice facilities, courts) and NGO settings. While some proposals may be able to secure and guarantee access to or cooperation from traditional K-12 school districts/schools, we are excited by opportunity to support possible funding of CRE work from other contexts. Thus, projects in pre-K-12 schools will be considered but emphasis will be on projects outside that context.

The NOFA Area: The funding focus for the 2016 funding cycle intends to support projects that advance the development, implementation, and /or assessment of conflict resolution education serving youth living in or attending school in structurally disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities.
For purposes of this NOFA structurally disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities may include social environments lacking in two or more of the following:
• Access to sustained and sustaining employment,
• Affordable, adequate, stable and safe housing,
• Adequate healthcare
• Access to affordable and nutritious food,
• Access to affordable digital communication
• Affordable and efficient transportation
• Collective efficacy or ability to exert deliberative power in municipal decision-making. [1]

Conditions of structural disadvantage may correlate with policies and practices that lead to conflict around race, religion gender, sexual orientation, financial means, and immigration status.

Proposals may address the needs for culturally competent conflict resolution educational (CRE) programming in and for communities experiencing divergent outcomes in school discipline, disproportionate referrals to the juvenile/criminal justice systems, and heightened barriers to re-entry from those systems to schools and community. For example, projects could:

serve youth affected by:
· Disparate impact from policing and school disciplinary practices in structurally disadvantaged communities
· Unjust aggression based on race, religion, culture, or LGBTQ, immigration status, or economic status
· Cultural conflict or isolation,
through programs teaching and using conflict resolutions processes incorporating
· Restorative practices or
· Community dialogue,
in order to
· Increase awareness and empathy
· Acknowledge and honor identity
· Reconcile, restore and strengthen relationships
· Fulfill individual and institutional capacity to contribute to the learning community.

Preference will be given to programs that exhibit the ability to be scalable or replicable on a national level.

Funding Parameters and Criteria for the 2016 Funding Cycle

· The JAMS Foundation estimates awarding up to $100,000 in new awards for the 2016 funding cycle based on ACR review and recommendations. ACR will also monitor grant progress post-award.
· Requests for funding can range from $15,000 to $50,000 per year of funding. In special circumstances projects requesting more than $50,000 per year may be considered. We are looking to recommend a small number of high quality projects with proven impact and the potential of regional and national impact upon completion.
· The proposed projects can be one or two year projects, but decisions on funding for a second year will be contingent on evidence of benchmark accomplishments at the end of the first year of funding.
· Preference for funding is given for Development and Innovation projects – bringing exciting new ideas to fruition. A secondary emphasis is on Expansion grants that enable an already developed pilot project to be taken to national rollout.
· Eligible organizations include nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations, educational institutions, and public agencies.

RFP Project Process

· Interested organizations or individuals are required to submit a 1-2 page Initial Project Idea description (using the guidelines on the following page) to ACR no later than midnight (EST) Monday, March 28th to admin@acrnet.org.
· The ACR Grant review committee will notify applicants if they have been selected to develop a full proposal for submission and review by Friday, April 29th.
· Full proposals (with a required application protocol provided upon notification) will be due to the ACR Grant review committee by Thursday, June 30th.
· Funding decisions are anticipated at the August 2016 JAMS Foundation Board meeting.
· It is anticipated that notifications of the final decision will be made in late August – early September and made public at ACR’s Annual Conference, September 28 – October 1 in Baltimore, MD.

Please address questions about grant program to the Co-Chairs of the JAMS/ACR Grant Steering Committee, Bryan Hanson at bryanhanson@creighton.edu or Dr. Phyllis Hildreth at pdhildreth@lipscomb.edu.


Initial Proposal Ideas Description
Please submit an initial proposal idea description as a .pdf document of no more than 2 pages (single spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins). Please include the following information in your description. Please note, incomplete submissions and those which do not adhere to the specifications will not be considered.
Applicant Information:
1. Organization Name/Address
2. Organizational Contact Person (and necessary contact information)
3. Organizational Type (educational institution, LEA, HEI, NGO, etc.)
4. Organization’s Previous Experience in Serving Special Needs Populations (only 1-2 paragraph)
5. Organization’s Previous Work in Conflict Resolution Education (only 1-2 paragraphs)

Project Description:
In your 1-2 page description of the project please discuss the following:
1. Describe the population to be served and your organization’s access to that population
2. Describe the nature of the proposed project and the need for this project (what are the important benefits to be obtained if the project is funded)
3. Describe the uniqueness of this project – to what extent is this groundbreaking or innovative work
4. Describe your organization’s expertise and qualifications to do this work
5. Discuss the key personnel in the project and their qualifications for involvement
6. Indicate the general amount of funding requested for Year 1 (and for year 2 if relevant) and a general description of what that funding will be used for.
7. Discuss additional sources of funding or in-kind support already obtained for this project or for foundational work in this area.
8. Suggest how you would measure or assess the success or impact of this project if funded.

Please submit an e-copy .pdf document of the Initial Project Ideas Description no later than midnight (EST) Monday, March 28th to admin@acrnet.org

Prior to submission, questions may be addressed to Bryan Hanson at bryanhanson@creighton.edu or 402.280.3365 or Phyllis Hildreth at pdhildreth@lipscomb.edu or 615-966-6680.


Project Prevent Grant Program seeks to address trauma from exposure to pervasive violence

Recently the U.S. Department of Education announced a new grant competition called Project Prevent. Application deadline: June 30, 2014

This program provides funding to local educational agencies (LEAs) to increase their capacity both to identify, assess, and serve students exposed to pervasive violence, helping to ensure that affected students are offered mental health services for trauma or anxiety; support conflict resolution programs; and implement other school–based violence prevention strategies in order to reduce the likelihood that these students will later commit violent acts.

These projects must offer students: (1) access to school-based counseling services, or referrals to community-based counseling services, for assistance in coping with trauma or anxiety; (2) school-based social and emotional supports for students to help address the effects of violence; (3) conflict resolution and other school-based strategies to prevent future violence; and (4) a safer and improved school environment, which may include, among others, activities to decrease the incidence of harassment, bullying, violence, gang involvement, and substance use. Applicants must address all four subparts of this absolute priority.

Project Period: Up to 60 months
Estimated Available Funds: $9,750,000
Estimated Range of Awards: $250,000 to $1,000,000
Estimated Average Size of Awards: $487,500 (for each year of funding requested)
Estimated Number of Awards: 20

Details available at http://www2.ed.gov/programs/projectprevent/index.html

CR and Peacemaking in Higher Education Symposium – Philadelphia area

If you are interested in integrating peacemaking and conflict resolution content into your higher education offerings AND you happen to live within driving distance of Philadelphia, then you are going to want to check out this Conflict Resolution Day event hosted by the Association for Conflict Resolution Great Philadelphia Chapter. The event provides a networking opportunity and a chance to hear the latest news from keynote presenter David Smith, editor of Peacebuilding in Community Colleges: A Teaching Resource. The event will be held October 17 from 1:30-3:30 at Chestnut Hill College. See the attached flyer (click on image) for details and additional contact information.

Slides from 2013 CRE Summit

Slides from the conference are now available on the CRE conference presentations page. The listing below is organized by presentation date (as best I could sort it out).

June 13

Integrating Service Learning and Opportunities for Civic Engagement into Courses
Presented by: Richard Kinsley, Executive Director of Ohio Campus Compact

A Sustained Dialogue Training for Community Advocates, Administrators, and Advanced Students
Presented by: Amy Lazarus Executive Director, Rhonda Fitzgerald Program Director, and Elizabeth Wuerz Program Director at SDCN

June 14

Telling Better Stories: Promoting Global Citizenship & Shared Understanding w Pulitzer Center
Presented by: Mark Schulte, National Education Coordinator at the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

The Organization of American States: 100 Years of Building Bridges in the Americas
Presented by: Presented By: Pablo Zuniga, Romina Giselle Kasman, and Marcia Bebianno Simoes

Using Circles for Motivation and Community Building
Presented by: Barbara Sugarman Grochal, Center for Dispute Resolution, University of Maryland King Carey School of Law

Multilingual Education as a Tool of Social Integration in Kyrgyzstan
Presented by: Nina Bagdasarova, American University in Central Asia

Peacebuilding Training and Restorative Justice Initiatives in Northeast Asia
Presented by: Jae Young Lee and Kathy Matsui, Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI) and Korea Peacebuilding Institute (KOPI)

The International Organization for Migration – Addressing needs of conflict affected migrants
Presented by: Nino Shushania, International Organization for Migration

Collaborative Negotiations – Strategies, Skills and Techniques
Presented by: Timothy Viskocil, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services

A Global Movement Cultivating a Culture of Peace: AC4P
Presented by: Jenna McCutchen, Elise Cabrisses and Jessica Cea, Virginia Tech

June 15

Inter-cultural Conflict Resolution, Political Processes and Impacts
Presented by: Rena Ramkay, co-chair Conflict Prevention Working Group at Peacebuild

Promoting intercultural understanding in Australia
Presented by: Gary Shaw, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Australia

Peace Education Highlights from Australia and Victoria
Presented by: Gary Shaw, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Australia

Peace Education Highlights from the Philippines
Presented by: Loreta Castro, Philippines

Exchange 2.0 – Connecting Youth Across Divides
Presented by: Claudia Maffettone, Soliya Inc.

District-wide Conflict Resolution, Peer Mediation and Bullying Prevention Model- 30 years of Impact
Presented by: Kathy Bickmore, University of Toronto

Peace Education for Peaceful and Harmonious co-existence in a multi-ethnic country – Kenya
Presented by: Caroline Owegi-Ndhlovu, Nairobi Peace Initiative – Africa

Peacebuilding in Community Colleges – A Teaching Resource
Presented by: David Smith, George Mason University; Jennifer Batton, Cuyahoga Community College; Jeff Dykhuizen, Delta College; Cindy Epperson

June 16

Developing Courses in Peace and Conflict Studies
Presented by: Vincent D’Agostino and Patricia Golesic, Sault College

Peace Studies Club 101
Presented by: Kurt Hoffman, Allegany College of Maryland

June 17

Peace Education – Core Concepts and Themes
Presented by: Loreta Castro, Center for Peace Education, Miriam College

Educating for Global Citizenship
Presented by: Lloyd Kornelsen

Tri-C Sustained Dialogue Campus Network Overview
Presented by: Ty Olson, Cuyahoga Community College

Free Spanish Language Peer Mediation Manual and Training Video

The New York City-based Washington Heights-Inwood Coalition received a JAMS Foundation grant to develop a Spanish language school peer mediation manual and video of a simulated peer mediation session in Spanish, to be use nationally for those programs who may find it useful. These materials are now available for free from their website. The manual, entitled Manual de Mediación Escolar – Entrenamiento Integrado Para Estudiantes De Escuelas Secundarias is 152-pages long, and the video runs a little over 20 minutes.

NAFCM to release free Peer Mediation Curriculum for Grades 6-8

At the September 2012 Association for Conflict Resolution conference in New Orleans, the National Association for Community Mediation announced the pending release of a new free peer mediation school curriculum for grades 6-8. The complete Curriculum package contains 1) a program implementation guide, 2) an interactive online trainer’s course (for fee), 3) a helpful training DVD, 4) a thorough trainer’s manual, 5) a student workbook containing over 100 skill-building activities, and 6) a helpful website that will host a growing list of supplemental resources.

The project is being coordinated by the National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM) and the Asian Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center, with support from the JAMS foundation.

You can sign up to receive more information at the project website, PeerMediators.org

Free Online Curriculum – Peace, Peacebuilding and Peacelearning: A Holistic Introduction

In celebration of the International Day of Peace, the National Peace Academy is launching a free online curriculum, “Peace, Peacebuilding and Peacelearning: A Holistic Introduction.” This study guide designed for budding peace and community change leaders from children to adults. It is intended for both seasoned practitioners and those who are new to peacebuilding and who wish to create significant, meaningful and sustainable change in their personal lives, their communities, and the world at large. It was designed to be explored across the span of 12 weeks.

Approximate Schedule of Curriculum Release Dates:

Week 1: Introduction: 5 Spheres of Peace (Available September 21, 2012)
Weeks 2-3: Personal Peace (Available on or before September 28, October 5)
Weeks 4-5: Social Peace (Available on or before October 12, 19)
Weeks 6-7: Political Peace (Available on or before October 26, November 2)
Weeks 8-9: Institutional Peace (Available on or before November 9, 16)
Weeks 10-11: Ecological Peace (Available on or before November 23, 30)
Week 12: Holistic Peace (Available on or before December 7)

More information is available here.

Stop Bullying Video Challenge w Oct 14 2012 Deadline

The Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention (stopbullying.gov) are inviting youth ages 13 to 18 to create 30- to 60-second public service announcements as part of the Stop Bullying Video Challenge.

Videos should showcase ways the youth are taking action against bullying and promoting kindness and respect within their communities. The grand prize is $2,000 and two runner-ups will each receive $500. The three winning videos will be featured on stopbullying.gov. Entries must be received by 11 pm E.T. on October 14, 2012.

How Can Students Better Understand the Impact of Violence and Peace?

The Institute for Economics and Peace has updated the free teaching modules, the Building Blocks of Peace, with peace data from the 2012 from the 2012 Global Peace Index. You can download these resources for use in your classroom here: http://economicsandpeace.org/education/secondary

IEP is a non-profit research institute dedicated to better understanding the social, economic, and political factors that drive peacefulness. IEP produces the Global Peace Index and the United States Peace Index, which measure peacefulness at national and regional levels and provide rich data, resources, and visualizations for teaching, including interactive maps.