CRE Around the Globe
Welcome to the International Section of the Conflict Resolution Education Connection. We are happy that you are visiting our site. Please use the sidebar menu to navigate this section’s rich collection of content. Some sample content is provided below.

CRE Conference Presentations
Effective Activism: Mapping Tactics and Strategies, Allies and Opponents
- Presented by: Michael Loadenthal, Visiting Professor of Sociology and Social Justice, Miami University of Oxford; Executive Director, Peace and Justice Studies Association
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Fellowships in Conflict Resolution and International Peace
- Presented by: Yehuda Silverman, Nova Southeastern University
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Faculty Resources for Adding Civil Resistance Content to Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Programs
- Presented by: Steve Chase, Manager of Academic Initiatives, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict; Colins Imoh, University of Toledo
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Supporting ex-offenders: creating community with college social systems
- Presented by: Heidi Arnold, Professor of Communication, Sinclair Community College
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Preparing Tomorrow’s Peacemakers: Robots vs. Resumes
- Presented by: Nina L. Talley, Director of Career Services, Wilmington College
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Videos of Possible Interest
- Peace Studies at Greenfield Community College (promotional video example)
- The S.T.A.R. Conflict Resolution strategy – Webinar Archive
- Peace Learning
- Children in Armed Conflict
- Peace One Day Global Truce 2012
- The Day After Peace – Classroom-Ready Version
- Peace Ed Skill-Building at Home Video Series
- Elementary Students Using Their Playground Peace Bridge
- Teaching Humanitarian Law with Raid Cross
- Power of Peace Network Introduction
Search Our Resources Catalog
Sample Catalog Resources
Below you'll find a randomized listing of up to 20 related items (we may have more...) drawn from our Resource Catalog.
Resource Title | Description | Links |
Practicing peace: A peace education module for youth and young adults in Solomon Islands: 4th draft | 99-page pdf document developed "to help people resolve interpersonal and inter-group conflict through productive and peaceful strategies, and to teach young people how they can participate in public life. The module is intended for use with youth and young adults in community and school settings in Solomon Islands." Skill areas include: Understanding rights and responsibilities; Understanding cultural diversity; Restorative justice and reconciliation; Gender relationship skills; Ability to live with change; Leadership qualities Conflict prevention; Traditional definitions of peace; Understand[ing] interdependence between individuals and society and Respect[ing] different cultures." | |
Conflict resolution and peace education policy examples: Resource pack developed for the Balkan | 24-page pdf resource book developed for the Balkan Regional Conference on Peace Education and Conflict Resolution in Schools. Includes 7 page list of policy documents for peace education as well as evaluations of peace education programs, a review of literature and the status of research into peace education and a look at the different pedagogical traditions in different areas of the world. | |
Will you listen?: Young voices from conflict zones | 28-page pdf report which accompanies "the official 10 year Graca Machel Strategic Review report ... submitted to the UN General Assembly on October 17, 2007. It compiles the views and recommendations from more than 1,700 young people from 92 countries through focus group discussions ... [which] included children and young people who have experienced conflict themselves, with many of the participants speaking about how their own lives have been affected. Facilitators tried to ensure a safe environment, to use the local language where appropriate and to create a certain 'comfort level' for the participants despite the unique challenges in each country." | |
Teacher insights from an intercultural peace curricula development project | 25-page PDF article from the Interamerican Journal of Education for Democracy, vol. 2, no. 2. September 2009. Abstract: "Data garnered from an eight month critical ethnographic action research project tells a story of prejudice and discrimination in a white, Euro-American dominant context at Junction High School in the U.S. Midwest. However, counter-normative efforts aimed at transforming the situation for newcomer students were conducted by both the researcher and a group of teachers who developed and implemented intercultural peace curricula. White, Euro-American constructions of “others†and teacher reflections on their engagement in the process are presented in this article. The article aims to provide a case study and to encourage deeper dialogue on intercultural peace education in schools for achieving an authentic democracy." | |
Practicing peace: A peace education module for standards 4 through 6 in Solomon Islands | 87-page word document which presents peace education for the Solomon Islands context. "The primary method used in peace education is generally referred to as a "facilitated" or "interactive" model of teaching. In this method, the teacher becomes a facilitator of learning and a co-learner with the students. Students and teachers use experiential strategies to practice skills for peace. There is a shift in the value placed on being a teacher. Using the facilitated processes of conflict resolution and peace education, teachers and students learn together and teach each other." Covered areas include: Interpersonal skills; Understanding and accepting differences; Children's rights; Building community and Mediation. | |
Changing the world: Youth mediators across the globe | 17-page Powerpoint presentation given to middle school mediators at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which discussed peer mediation programs around the world. | |
Using WebQuests to promote integrative thinking in conflict studies | Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4 , (Nov/Dec 2000), introducing WebQuests which, "are online curriculum modules which engage students in learning about an authentic topic or problem, generally, WebQuests are cooperative activities where students assume different roles relative to an authentic problem." | |
Grace to heal | Volume 1, number 1, of newsletter published by Grace to Heal a conflict resolution organization in Zimbabwe. | |
The Zone - Online Conflict Learning Module for Youth by Aik Saath | An interactive online learning module focusing on conflict and conflict resolution for young people of diverse backgrounds. Topics include the roots, the conflict, the effects and the resolution. Illustrated with animated storyboards and roll-over graphics. | |
Standards for Peace Education | 11-page pdf provides a list of recommended standards for students, teachers and teacher educators with respect to peace education. They were developed under the leadership of Dr. Candice C. Carter from the University of North Florida during her global and domestic work with peace educators and peace education researchers. These dynamic standards have been used for students in all levels of education as well as for program design. Suggestions for, and outcomes of, their use in particular cultures and contexts are welcomed. | |
Tolerance Stories Booklet | 55-page collection of stories, "to teach tolerance because stories are the first and most enduring literary form and they have the power to shape people’s understanding of the world and to change their lives ... it is our hope that this resource booklet will facilitate educators in elementary and secondary schools to introduce discussions of tolerance by supplying a wide array of narratives that illustrate principles of tolerance, and by so doing, enable their students to be leaders of tolerance in their homes, neighborhoods, and communities." | |
Peace & Disarmament Education: Changing Mindsets to Reduce Violence & Sustain Removal of Small Arms | This book summarizes the learnings from a partnership between the Hague Appeal for Peace and the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs exploring disarmament as an essential issue for peace education. It seeks to provide educators with ways to bring attention to weapons both as tools and symbols of the culture of violence that perpetuates war and armed conflict. The project invites critical reflection on the acceptance of the inevitability of war, the logic of force in politics and the conflation of conflict with violence. The participating peace educators in Albania, Cambodia, Niger and Peru have challenged these assumptions in community - and schools-based learning experiences that have taught both substantive and symbolic lessons in disarmament. | |
Teaching and learning in circle | Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 2, (February 2003), which "explores the impact of teaching using a circle format, both at the high school and college level." | |
I Painted Peace: Handbook on Peace Building with and for Children and Young People | This 72-page illustrated handbook has been designed and developed together with children and young people for children and young people. It is, however, also meant to be of use and interest to adults. The children and young people involved in the production of this handbook would like to promote, build and sustain peace in their local communities, schools, districts, and nations. The handbook may be most suitable for children and young people aged 12 years and upwards. The idea behind this handbook is to encourage more adults to listen to girls' and boys' voices carefully and seriously and to work with them as partners in creating and sustaining peace. In this way, the handbook helps to promote children's participation leading to the better fulfilment of children's rights. Children's contributions are presented in the following sections: - Children's visions on peace - Children's understanding of peace building - Children's understanding of the history and the impact of conflict - Opportunities for children's participation in peace building at different levels (individual, family, children's organisation, school, community, district, national, international) - including examples of activities and the impact of children's participation at these different levels; - Assessment of what helps and gets in the way of children's peace building efforts - Recommendations and proposals to strengthen children's role as agents of peace | |
Two faces of education in ethnic conflict, The: Towards a peacebuilding education for children | 54-page PDF study which, "should be considered as a first attempt to explore a set of highly complex and controversial issues. Its potential contribution is twofold: a focused and critical examination of the peacebuilding and peace-destroying role of education; and the placement of children on the mainstream peacebuilding and reconstruction agenda in a way that goes beyond their necessary but narrow inclusion as child soldiers ... The project began with the observation that formal education is often viewed as a neutral or technical process of information dissemination set within a given societal context. It found that this starting point inhibited consideration of the role of education in the creation of a “constructed†– rather than “given†– societal context. The broadening of the analytical focus reveals that implicitly and explicitly, intentionally and unintentionally, education inevitably has a societal impact – for good or for ill." | |
Intercultural education as a method of early conflict prevention in multicultural societies | Presentation of report on the state of conflict resolution efforts in Ukraine. | |
Informational methodological center for multicultural education and tolerance | Joint initiative of the Crimean ethnographic museum and Integration and development center for information and research to popularize the ideas of tolerance, intercultural education, mutual respect and collaboration of the diverse ethnical and confessional groups in the Crimean society. | |
Training of Teachers in Areas of Armed Conflict | This 64-page practice manual was written by Dr. Anica Mikus Kos, a pediatrician and child psychiatrist from Slovenia. It was published as a supplement in the online journal Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, Vol 3 No. 2 ; July 2005 | |
Educational integration measures in Hungary | 19-slide Powerpoint presentation which examines measures taken by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities of the Republic of Hungary to improve the education of minorities, primarily Romani children. | |
Accessing free web-based conflict resolution education resources | 28-slide Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA which introduces "the Conflict Resolution Education Connection, a free online one-stop-shop for resources and information on conflict resolution education. We will review the history of this cooperative project, talk about its future and highlight some of the great tools and resources hidden within." |