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Peace One Day Multi-Media Curriculum distributed to U.S. schools

Peace One Day, in Association With Scholastic, and Underwritten by Ben & Jerry’s, Offers Free Multi-Media Online Curriculum to U.S. Middle and High Schools to Inspire Students to Be Global Citizens

Educational Program Features 21 Lesson Plans, DVD, and Live Webcast Designed to Motivate Teen Participation in Peace Day on September 21st, 2010, a Day Adopted by All UN Members and Recognized by the US Senate

Filmmaker and founder of the UK-based nonprofit Peace One Day (POD), Jeremy Gilley, today announced the distribution of a free online educational curriculum and film to schools teaching grades 6-12 in 11 US states. The program includes 21 lesson plans helping teachers and students to explore such issues as conflict resolution and nonviolence, using Peace Day, September 21 as a focus. Additionally, all grades 6-12 classrooms are invited to participate in a special LIVE webcast held in New York City on March 19, 2010, at 1 p.m. EDT to inspire students to make a difference in their school, community and in the world. Jude Law, Ambassador of Peace One Day, will be joining Jeremy and special guests live on the day via Skype. The online curriculum is available at www.peaceoneday.org.

In 2001, September 21 was unanimously adopted by UN member states as an annual day of global ceasefire and nonviolence. In September 2009, the US Senate unanimously passed a resolution which recognizes September 21 as a global day of peace.

The Peace One Day curriculum fosters discussion and projects among young people about peace and nonviolence in their schools, local communities, and the world at large. The online curriculum is designed to be used in conjunction with Gilley’s award-winning documentary film The Day After Peace, a compelling documentary charting one man’s journey to establish September 21 as Peace Day. Thirty thousand free copies of the film will be delivered to middle schools and high schools this month. Peace One Day’s educational curriculum and DVD are being distributed in association with Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company, and underwritten by long-term supporter Ben & Jerry’s.

“For the Sake of Children-Peacebuilding Storytelling Guide”

Interested in promoting the development of Peace Building in your curriculum? This online version of a book of story-based activities is now available in our CRE Resource catalog. The stories help to spark childrens imaginations to write creatively about their own understanding of peace and how they might create their own representation of having an active part in conflict resolution and the peace process. The activities in the book encourage the development, writing and sharing of stories highlighting many peace building elements such as: happy endings, win-win situations, challenges resisting stereotyping, peace within the environment and many more elements. You can view the book in our online resource collection: http://snipurl.com/peacestorytelling

Teachers.tv Anger Management video

Teachers in the U.K. have a rich resource of videos and other support materials provided by teachers.tv which currently celebrating their 5th Anniversary. This video on Anger Management provides a look at the challenges faced by two teaching assistants who work to manage the anger and accompanying misbehavior of some students in their school. (Note: video downloads only work if your are based in the U.K.)

Teaching for Good Behavior – free OpenLearn course materials

Readers may not be aware of the wealth of resources made available by The Open University in the United Kingdom. OpenLearn, built on the open source learning platform known as Moodle, provides lots of course materials at no cost. It is definitely worth a visit. One that might interest CREducation.org folks is a course known as Teaching for Good Behaviour. As the introduction explains,

The quality of our teaching inevitably has an impact on the behaviour of our students. This unit considers some of the factors that can contribute to misbehaviour in the classroom and some of the steps that we can take as teachers to re-engage students with the learning process. This unit considers the format of lessons, how lessons are delivered, how to present lesson content in an interesting and creative way, and the development of “engaging lessons”.

Here’s the outline of topics covered:
1. Teaching and behaviour
2. Lesson format
3. Lesson delivery
4. Lesson content
5. Developing ‘engaging’ lessons
References and Acknowledgements

Great Video: Learn & Live: Resolving Conflict at O’Farrell Middle School

I found this video very interesting and most helpful. The philosophy at O’Farrell Middle School aims to enhance student life in not only academics and family life but also to stress the benefits of Student Social Development in order for children to perform well. The school regularly welcomes the participation of staff of community agencies on site to help in this initiative. Specialists and staff meet with students weekly. For example, regular meetings include visits from Counselors to to talk with groups of children about Conflict Resolution techniques and visits from Counselors to discuss gang issues. One interesting facet of conflict and resolution that arose during a student-teacher discussion session in the video was how the issue of the student’s boredom in the class affected the student-teacher relationship. You can view the video as part of our online video collection.

PeaceKidz Manual

I just reviewed the information in the PeaceKidz Project Manual. The Manual is a compiled work of five groups of Conflict Management students at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. The manual is meant to help teachers start their own adventure of learning, educating and inspiring the young people in their classrooms to make informed choices about Conflict Resolution in their lives.

When utilizing the manual the “PeaceKidz Gang” encourages teachers to be self-directed in their learning about the program before they use it. It is important for teachers to make their own decisions about goals and effort of how to build the features of the Project into their curriculum to successfully evaluate progress made after using it. The program is also designed to be Constructivist in nature – teachers are encouraged to listen to the kids, build on everyday experiences in the framework of the lessons and be ready to change and learn new things while delivering the lesson plans.

Words Work – Conflict Resolution curriculum for middle-school youth now available

The American Bar Association’s Section on Dispute Resolution teamed up with some experienced conflict resolution educators (Nancy Kaplan from CRU and Kathryn Liss from HIPP) to produce a new conflict resolution skills curriculum. And thanks to funding from the JAMS foundation, the materials are available at no cost. You can preview it online here – Words Work preview.

The Words Work curriculum is geared toward youth in grades six to eight. Through ten 45-minute sessions, educators guide youth through interactive lessons that focus on relationships, problem-solving, communication, and leadership skill-building. The package includes a facilitators manual and a set of supplemental worksheets. Note that, due to the extensive use of colorful graphics, the pdf files are rather large downloads.


Share Your CR Day Experiences and Suggestions!

A great way to share your experiences about CR Day this year and make suggestions for CR Day 2010 is to blog! This short (less than 5 minute) video at: http://snipurl.com/creteblogger explains the process of becoming a blogger for the CRETE Project.

By blogging you can share new ideas, valuable information, trade short takes about what works and ultimately enhance the CR Day experience with a Global audience.

While you are blogging, be sure to check out prior posts for up-to-date-information on many interesting topics! Happy Blogging!

CRE Connection Full-Size Calendar for Teachers Available!

The full-size calendar is presented to you by the Conflict Resolution for Teacher Education (CRETE) Connection Project and the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Education Section. The calendar can be hung by a teacher’s desk and is designed for teachers interested in promoting conflict resolution in their schools. The content provides “short takes” on different CRE tools each month along with Special Days related to conflict resolution or peacemaking, CRE catalog resources, online links to the CRE website and other great collections of classroom activities and professional development tools.

Conveniently, the calendar skips the summer months and ends with the month of September to welcome folks back to the school year. The calendar is also available for online viewing at:
It can be downloaded (large file size warning!) via the “More” menu found in the upper left of the document viewer.

Topic Decided For the 2009 – 2010 National Peace Essay Contest!

The United States Institute of peace (USIP) is proud to announce the topic for the 2009-10 National Peace Essay Contest: ‘The Effectiveness of Nonviolent Civic Action.’ Students will examine cases where nonviolent methods have been used and discuss under what conditions nonviolent civic actions are most likely to achieve justice, end conflict, or lead to positive political and social change.

First-place state winners of the contest receive scholarships and are invited to Washington for a five-day awards program.

“Texas Conflict Coach” Show Features CRETE on blogtalkradio – a talk radio podcast

Blogtalkradio, a talk radio podcast – features an interview with Margaret Leeds on CRETE topics. Margaret, a distinguished educator, school administrator, mediator and consultant has 37 years of experience in Conflict Resolution Management Skills. She was centrally involved in the recent San Antonio CRETE training. During the interview she talks about the successes, trials and tribulations in trying to establish programs to bring Conflict Resolution programs to schools and communities. When participating live during a broadcast as a registered user, you can also post questions and comments and blog during the talk radio show.You can check out this audio interview with Margaret Leeds at: http://snipurl.com/leedsaudiointerview

Let’s Get Real video addresses bullying via student voices

[url=http://groundspark.org/our-films-and-campaigns/lets-get-real]Let’s Get Real[/url] is a video from GroundSpark (formerly Women’s Educational Media) that takes a look at name-calling and bullying from the point of view of young people themselves. Rather than dealing with the topic purely from a disciplinary perspective, Let’s Get Real allows kids in grades six through nine to speak openly about what it’s like to be targeted, to bully others and to stand up as an ally when they witness harassment. With courage and candor, the students in the film describe the back-stabbing that takes place among popular girls, why the word “faggot” is seen as the “ultimate dis,” and the physical violence that results when taunting goes unchecked. A [url=http://groundspark.org/our-films-and-campaigns/lets-get-real/lgr_clips]series of video clips[/url] are available online, as is the [url=http://groundspark.org/pdfs/lgr_transcript.pdf]full transcript[/url] from the film and a [url=http://groundspark.org/our-films-and-campaigns/lets-get-real/lgr_curric]curriculum guide[/url].

[b]Students profiled in the full film include:[/b]
Gabe: Taunted for being Jewish
Brittany: Victim of vicious gossip
Stephen: Bullies kids at school because his brother bullies him
Zaid: Stands up for a non-English-speaking classmate
Umma: Sees racial tensions as a key source of the problem
Kate: Used to bully other girls to be popular
Brian: Just wants to do anything to get out of it
Jasper: Pushed to the limit
DaÌLaun: Decides to make a change and make new friends
Paola: Finds the courage to help a student in need

Contests For Students for CR Day (October 15, 2009)

The Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education (CRETE) Project and The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) are planning two new contests for Teachers and their students. This year, Conflict Resolution (CR) Day is on October 15. There is a Video Contest, which is geared to College and University students. In this contest, students are invited to create and submit a two minute or less video depicting the power of conflict resolution. The submission time frame for this contest is expected to be September 1, 2009 to October 1, 2009. Complete contest rules are available online.

There is also a Poetry Contest available for CR Day for students in elementary, middle/intermediate and high schools. This contest will take place in the Fall 2009. If you would be interested in receiving information about this contest, teachers need to e-mail representatives from ACR at poetrycontest@ACRnet.org and information will be sent to you.

If you have a unique idea you have developed to enhance conflict resolution education consider sharing your ways to celebrate by submitting the idea at: http://snipurl.com/crdayideas

There is more information about Conflict Resolution Day and the many opportunities that are available for participation and collaboration of ideas. Visit www.ACRnet.org/crday to view listings of past events and to view a sample letter requesting a gubernatorial proclamation. Add your event to ACR’s Web site by completing this form. You also can share a proclamation on the ACR Web site by completing this form.

Video on Restorative Justice in Schools (from the UK)

RSA Lectures – Restorative Justice in Schools

In this 60-minute video available from the UK-based Teacher.TV site, a group of experts look at restorative justice, a practice which brings together the victims and the perpetrators of conflict in order to find an agreed resolution. As they note, the approach has had a clear and positive impact on behavior where it has been used is schools.